Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

DEVASTATOR detailed concept in FULL, Detailed Fallen Concepts February 11th, 2009

Oh wow, wasn’t expect­ing this to land on the doorstep today! Here we have it the FULLY com­bined Dev­as­ta­tor. Click the image for a higher res­o­lu­tion more detailed ver­sion. From the text that sur­rounds the image we can see what makes up the con­stituent parts of this beast, and it’s face is incred­i­bly beast-like:

Right Leg: Dump Truck
Left Arm: Crane
Left Leg: Bull­dozer
Torso: Exca­va­tor (this is the Terex Rh400 we’ve seen in the trailer)
Right Arm: The name isn’t vis­i­ble but guess­ing from the pic­ture I’d say a Load­ing vehi­cle (see details fur­ther down)

There’s also a ‘Mixer’ in there some­where and another vehi­cle form­ing the rear, with pos­si­bly another vehi­cle on the sheet that has been obscured by the char­ac­ter. The body com­bines to end up very Gorilla like, with hands that reach the floor and a head that sticks out the front, almost like King Kong.

This matches ear­lier reports:

Right Leg: Dump Truck
Left Leg: Bull­dozer
Right Arm: Wheel Loader
Left Arm: Truss Crane [no robot mode on this one],
Right Shoul­der: Exca­va­tor
Left Shoul­der: Artic­u­lated Dump Truck
Head: Cement Mixer

For com­par­i­son: Con­struc­ti­con Terex RH400 Toy Review | Trailer and Images

The Fallen’s con­cept builds on the char­ac­ter we’ve seen in the toy gal­leries. This is much more skinny, evil and alien look­ing. No flames on this one, maybe he ‘sparks up’ — he looks like he can do a whole lot of damage!

Com­par­i­son: Toy Images | Poster

Source: ACToys​.net

Indi­vid­ual Con­struc­ti­con Alt Modes

The world’s largest exca­va­tor (Terex RH400) which forms the Torso and most likely as its right leg, the world’s largest truck the Cater­pil­lar 797B:

Although as the leg is green it may also be the Hitachi Euclid R280:

To match this, the left leg prob­a­bly needs to be the world’s largest bull­dozer, I orig­i­nally thought this would be the Komatsu D575 (image) which is the largest pro­duc­tion bull­dozer but the tracks on that are not tri­an­gu­lar like they are in the con­cept image. This led me to the Acco Cus­tom built bull­dozer, the tracks on this per­fectly match the left foot:

The name of the right arm is obscured from vision, but given the raised bucket it looks a lot like a Load­ing vehi­cle, the largest of which is the Cater­pil­lar 994D. It could be any one of the large Load­ing vehi­cles, here is another, the Le Tourneau L-2350:

The left arm, the crane, looks like the Dragline exca­va­tor vari­ety — for all that machin­ery we can see in the con­cept it needs to be more than just a stan­dard crane. I haven’t man­aged to find a yel­low one:

The head looks like a drill but I can­not find a vehi­cle to match it.

Comments 19 Responses to “DEVASTATOR detailed concept in FULL, Detailed Fallen Concepts”

The Stub — We Watch Stuff and you Care! February 11th, 2009

[…] Trans­form­ers Movie Chron­i­cles says: From the text that sur­rounds the image we can see what makes up the con­stituent parts of this beast, and it’s face is incred­i­bly beast-like: […]

orphan008 February 11th, 2009

If this is Devastator…WOW! He just looks menacing.

Look­ing at the con­cept art, if the Mixer truck is in there, my best guess is that he makes up the head.


Alpha Trion February 11th, 2009

What made Trans­form­ers a good movie?

1.Incoherent plot? Dumb Allspark Mcguf­fin, scenes in the movie lead nowhere or had no real pur­pose, com­edy filler, waste time, no story logic. The movie’s script made it hard to sus­pend belief and enjoy the movie. B movie but with a big­ger budget…

2.Laughably bad CRINGE INDUCING dia­logue? “My bad” Shia “NoNoNoNoNo” Whats up lil B ****es” Touch my bush I’ll kick your @$$!” Happy Time” ect. ect. VOMIT

3. The army can kill the Decep­ti­cons, Trans­form­ers dis­ap­pear with no expla­na­tion? Why even have the autobots.

4.Transformers look like metal scraps glued together and have no personalities.

5.Dramatic scenes that fly straight out of left field? (“I’m so glad I got in the car with you.”) B movie

6.Formerly respectable star sinks to a new low? John Tur­turro Jon Voight,Golden Shower Bum­ble­bee pees now and farts? com­edy gold.…

7.Incredible over­act­ing that is obvi­ously encour­aged by the director?

8.Bumblebee who can­not speak for no appar­ent rea­son? Dam­aged in bat­tle .…please, pre­quel comic or motion comic just try to cover up bad story telling .Makes no sense other than that is what the direc­tor or script calls for in the movie. (no story logic.^)
Wouldn’t need to waste so much time If Bum­ble­Bee could repair him­self. Like Bar­ri­cade repaired him­self after the first fight and tell Shia that he needs the glasses!

9.Rampant racial stereo­typ­ing?” Hey Mammy “
“Speak Eng­lish dude ”

10.Characters with a lot of face time who end up play­ing no impor­tant role in the “story?“
Hack­ers and soldiers.

11.The action in some shots is hope­lessly mud­dled? Shaky Cam, close ups, and quick cut editing.

12. Jazz’s hilar­i­ous death scene is matched only by his hilar­i­ous eulogy? B movie

13. Trans­form­ers had lit­tle scene time due to over elab­o­rated designs which made them too expen­sive? Prime shows up 70 mins into the movie.

14. Bla­tant over the top prod­uct place­ment? Takes away from the movie expe­ri­ence. Not just minor prod­uct place­ment the movie stops just for the prod­uct place­ment. Bum­ble­bee updates to a newer car. The pilots get­ting into the F 22.

15. Trans­form­ers are sec­ondary char­ac­ters with lit­tle to no dialogue?

16. Hard to tell the Trans­form­ers apart. As long as the cam­era stands still long enough and the trans­former is not sil­ver. If it is an action scene for­get about it..

17. For an action block­buster there is not much action: 5 min of action in the begin­ning 10 min of action in the mid­dle and 15 min of action at the end. In a 2 hr and 30 min movie. All of which jumps around from robots to humans every 2 sec­onds, due to the quick cut edit­ing. Shaky Cam and close ups ruin most of the action.

18. Shia LaBarf can’t act? NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo BS com­edy shtick, Even Stevens with robots…

19. Mea­gan Fox can’t act? .….…LMAO please

20. Michael Bay can’t direct? ” I make movies for 13 year old boys.” Can’t remem­ber the Trans­form­ers names. Brawl is the tank Bay.. not DEVASTATOR!

Intense slow motion shots of characters

Has the cam­era mov­ing dur­ing most scenes. Very rarely uses sta­tic shots.

Actors/characters in his films are almost uni­formly shot in tight, emphatic close ups, framed under the hair­line and above the chin.

Often has over-the-top visu­als (i.e. key events tak­ing place at sun­set or dra­matic events tak­ing place behind actors doing rou­tine activities).

Uti­lizes monot­o­nic but intense musi­cal cues dur­ing action-filled car chase scenes. Bad Boys II (2003), The Island (2005)

Uses shots of air­craft against a set­ting sun, espe­cially heli­copters (Armaged­don (1998/I), Pearl Har­bor (2001), Trans­form­ers (2007)).

Often fea­tures a slow-motion shot of an object crash­ing into, or tum­bling towards the camera.

Uses a shot where the cam­era spins in a cir­cle around char­ac­ters. (Bad Boys II, Transformers)

Fre­quently incor­po­rates scenes that involve char­ac­ters run­ning or mov­ing towards the cam­era (almost always shot in slow-motion)

[Michael Bay on “Trans­form­ers look”]
Well, it’s just, you know, lis­ten, it’s like…I didn’t want to make the boxy char­ac­ters, you know? Think about it, 30 feet in the air in the real world, just boxes, you know and it’d just look more fake, you know? And by adding more doo-dads, you know, stuff on the…stuff. Stuff on the robots, more car parts, and…you know you can just make it look more real.

Will Trans­form­ers 2 be as good as the first one?

I hope this movie is 2 hours and 30 mins long with a lot of sol­diers, hack­ers and only 15 min­utes of inco­her­ent action!!! HELL YEAH THAT WILL BE AWESOME!!!!!!!

Will it have abhor­rent, hor­ren­dous, obnox­ious, repul­sive, ugly, swirling metal chucks, gorilla arm, uni­cy­cle retard look­ing Trans­form­ers in it.

Great job Bay keep lying to every­body about how your extremely expen­sive, hyper real­is­tic Trans­form­ers is the only look that works and is not silly.. No mid­dle ground between the orig­i­nal look and these bion­i­cles metal junk piles.…Even Stevens with robots as props.

It needs to have Shia Ledouche doing his crazy retard shtick, talk­ing to him­self and say­ing NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo. Megan Fox try­ing to act and look­ing like a 30 year old raged out street walker whore.

More shame­ful mas­tur­bat­ing close ups of her stom­ach… More ran­dom char­ac­ters who have no pur­pose in the film.

What will make it funny is to have more scenes of Trans­form­ers stum­bling around like morons hid­ing in the back­yard, golden shower scenes, bum­ble­bee fart­ing on Sam’s dad. COMEDY GOLD! Hor­ri­ble Stereo­types and bla­tant racism. So much respect to source material.…

Sure to get the Oscar this time,(Golden Com­pass LMAO) as long as we still have Michael Bay’s AWESOME char­ac­ter devel­op­ment, 20 cam­era using, seizure induc­ing can’t tell whats going on shaky cam, fast cut edit­ing, emphatic tight close ups, heli­copter in the sun­set, extremely nau­se­at­ing, repul­sive, over the top prod­uct place­ment, and slow motion over dra­matic explosions.

I sure hope so this movie will be AWESOME AND RAD TO THE MAX EXTREME with my A.D.H.D and short atten­tion span.
Be sure not to take your rid­di­lan when watch­ing this great action packed pop­corn block­buster, leave your brain at the door snore fest…

Dev­as­ta­tor Con­cept Art Online — espe​dido​.net February 11th, 2009

[…] to Trans­form­ers Move Chron­i­cles: From the text that sur­rounds the image we can see what makes up the con­stituent parts of this […]

best­movieE­VAH February 12th, 2009

alpha trion,maybe u should watch the old car­toons to get the action u want Rofl.

imo its 1 of those movies u can watch sev­eral times,and i bet it wouldnt be if it was made after your child­hood demands.
won­der why u even both­ered to post such a long crap list(btw didnt read it all got bored),either your just mad cause it wasent robots 24/7(witch is just pathetic if it was) or your just mad at the world due to the fact u got a tiny pack­age :(
go watch pretty woman for the 42nd time and be happy :D

BetaS­word February 12th, 2009

The Neck-Portion seems to con­sist of the RH400-Wheels.

Scro­pio February 14th, 2009

Ok the fallen looks scrawny and weak. It would have worked bet­ter if he is on fire. The head and top of the body are made from a voy­ager sized toy called Mix­mas­ter who is a Cement mixer.
This Cement mixer does not have a robot form. Oh and did any­one men­tioned this leaked design is now use­less as it has been con­firmed Dev­as­ta­tor is made up of six vehi­cles when there are seven in the back­ground. This design was made before bay chose to have the mixer drum in the mid­dle of the body. If any­one wants to know which vehi­cle they cut it was the Dump truck as they appar­entl thought of hav­ing two dump trucks one an Artic­u­lated dump truck the other a nor­mal dump truck but the idea was dropped.

Has­bro con­firms Dev­as­ta­tor, 6 con­struc­ti­cons (Trans­form­ers 2 — Movie Chronicles) February 14th, 2009

[…] this con­flicts with the con­cept design we have seen, which clearly shows 7 or even 8 robots com­bin­ing to form Dev­as­ta­tor. It is possible […]

Dev­as­ta­tor toys, All con­struc­ti­cons revealed, Skids and Mud­flaps Robot modes (Trans­form­ers 2 — Movie Chronicles) February 14th, 2009

[…] Com­pare with con­cept rendering […]

Kranix February 18th, 2009

Maybe the head is a TBM? Tun­nel Bor­ing Machine of some sort?

Dev­as­ta­tor Con­cept Art Hits the Net! | The Movie Reviewer February 20th, 2009

[…] Trans­form­ers Movie Chron­i­cles says: From the text that sur­rounds the image we can see what makes up the con­stituent parts of this beast, and it’s face is incred­i­bly beast-like: […]

haller1929 February 20th, 2009

Sounds like Alpha Trion watched the first movie about a hun­dred times to be able to pick it apart that badly. Must have liked it on some level. Dude, get a grip. I’m guess­ing Alpha would like to go back the days of Spark Plug and Rodimus Prime and lame-ass Gal­va­tron and per­pet­u­ally incom­pe­tent Decep­ti­cons and twenty years of busted con­ti­nu­ity and re-boots by a dozen dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies, where char­ac­ters lamely named Alpha Trion were prob­a­bly part of canon.
(1) Try to find one movie, even a hard-core hor­ror movie, where there isn’t some kind of comic relief, even if it’s black humor.
(2) Of course the Marines (not the Army, stu­pid, since you have such exten­sive knowl­edge of the movie) and the Air Force would join in the fight.
(3) Speak­ing of the USAF…showing an F22 fighter plane is a prod­uct place­ment shot?!? Guess I missed the giant Pepsi logos on the wings? What’s your holy freak­ing embolism?
(4) And I know of absolutely NO other action direc­tor who keeps the cam­era mov­ing (rather than Alpha’s pre­ferred STATIC), uses rotat­ing cam­era shots around a scene or char­ac­ters, or god for­bid — uses an “emphatic close-up.” Smell the sarcasm?.

Dummy up, you loser. Keep mak­ing your YouTube stop-motion videos with your old Trans­form­ers toys. I’m sure they’ll make millions.

Azron February 22nd, 2009

Thank you Haller. I am a huge G1 fan, and I loved the movie, and can’t wait for this one and ESPECIALLY for the 3rd one if it has Uni­cron in it!

funny how he com­plains about all this crap, while com­pletely ignor­ing the fact that the movie has more con­nec­tions and ref­er­ences to G1 than half the re-boots out there, and actu­ally DOES make more sense.

1. In G1, Starscream, Thun­der­cracker and Sky­warp were all chased off by an auto­bot who got his hand in the cock­pit of am immo­bile human fighter and started fir­ing off it’s weapons, in the movie, we see Starscream take out mul­ti­ple human Fight­ers in a dogfight

2. if the Trans­form­ers were com­pletely invul­ner­a­ble to human weapons than they wouldn’t need to, you know, Trans­form to con­ceal themselves.

3. Mega­tron has his Flail from G1 and is all gray rather than pur­ple like the post-beast-wars Megatron,

4. Opti­mus Prime has his energy blade sim­i­lar to the Axe from G1

5. Opti­mus is voiced by Peter Frieken Cullen, which alone accounts for a huge empha­sis on G1

6. Opti­mus is a Trans­port Truck rather than a Firetruck like some of the reboots, flat­nosed or not, he’s still a Trans­port Truck (and hon­estly, how many Flat­nosed trucks have you seen since the 80s, not to men­tion the fact that they wouldn’t have been able to get him as big as he should have been if they went with the flatnose)

7. the clas­sic Trans­for­ma­tion sound being played peri­od­i­cally dur­ing or just before a Trans­for­ma­tion (if dur­ing it is usu­ally made by a com­bi­na­tion of parts of the trans­former mov­ing around and engine sounds which hit the same notes in the same order, a fair bit more sub­tle but it’s there),

8. Jazz’s vocal per­for­mance is FAR bet­ter than it was in G1,

9. many Auto­bots and Decep­ti­cons alike were killed with­out any sec­ond thought or eulogy in the 1980’s ani­mated film, includ­ing Iron Hide and Ratchet, who were in fact the first to die though Iron­i­cally Jazz survived.

and I love how he com­plains about the Humour in a movie based on a 1980s car­toon for kids being “corny”…

haller1929 March 23rd, 2009

Even Has­bro said that the mem­ory of those old car­toons is bet­ter than what it really was, in the heads of most fans. I mean, Christ, I used to watch Great Space Coaster and Speed Racer. Gem was pretty gay, but my sis­ters made me watch that crap, ha ha!
ROTF looks about ten times more kick-ass than the first. The first one was the set-up…number two is gonna be the EMPIRE STRIKES BACK of the Trans­form­ers movies…a total ass-kicking by the Decep­ti­cons!

Big Ass Castle April 8th, 2009

Alpha Trion your a Douche.
Yes the head(and only the head) is most likely Mix Mas­ter( A ciment mixer).
If you look closer at the head the side have what looks like the out­side of the mixer.
It would make more sense since he is one of the orig­i­nal Constructicons.

Oh yeah Alpha Trion the tanks name wasn’t Dev­as­ta­tor.
Micheal Bay said so him self.
And if you watch Trans­form­ers again(witch i bet you wouldn’t mind after seing probly a mil­lion times) at the end dur­ing the fight seen as Jazz is about two jump on the tank he clearly says “Come on Decep­ti­con Bulk”.
Sure its not Brawl but you’ll have to live with it.

(You just got told by a 13 year old)
Thats Me!

roy lee chapman June 24th, 2009

Alpha Trion,

You have some pretty good ideas, yet you frame them in some igno­rant ways. Most of what you say sug­gests that you’re prob­a­bly between 18 and 34; I would guess toward the higher end because you’re just too into this from when you were a kid watch­ing this after school. Any­way, what’s this “ect. ect.” stuff?

Is it sup­posed to be the abbre­vi­a­tion of the Latin word etcetera mean­ing “and oth­ers; and so forth; and so on”? Haven’t you ever seen it printed on a page? The cor­rect abbre­vi­a­tion is etc. no mat­ter how many igno­rant peo­ple keep doing it wrong. Stop being ignorant.

Thank you.

hel­lomello July 17th, 2009

i love you marica

Skrga April 13th, 2010

Right Leg: Long haul
Left Leg: Ram­page
Right Arm: Scrap­per
Left Arm: High­tower
Torso: Over­load, Scav­enger
Head: Mixmaster

High­tower is the truss crane..

spar­cotsi September 12th, 2010

The head is most defi­nat­ley a tbm (tun­nel bor­ing machine) the largest being the Her­renknecht EPB Shield S-300. You can see the mouth look­ing like the cut­ting head, and the “neck” look­ing like the sup­port and tun­nel build­ing rotors.