Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Michael Bay talks Transformers 2 at Friday 13th premier February 10th, 2009

Col­lider man­aged to grab Michael Bay at the Fri­day 13th pre­mier and have a chat with him about TF2. What’s on the cards? — A darker, more epic, more emo­tional Trans­form­ers 2 with improved tech­ni­cal abil­i­ties and IMAX scenes with maybe a third come ~2012.

In sum­mary:

He says they have done 3 scenes in IMAX
He talks about Trans­form­ers 2 and what he likes about it – says the robots have a lot more per­son­al­ity and he was able to get emote much more than the first movie
Also says it’s going to be darker and epic in scale – says the human char­ac­ters go on a ride with the robots
I ask about the run­ning time – says right now it’s 2 hours 20 min­utes but he still edit­ing
I ask if he will do a third Trans­form­ers movie or does he see him­self doing another fran­chise – says he could see him­self doing a third but he wants to take a year off no mat­ter what

Comments 3 Responses to “Michael Bay talks Transformers 2 at Friday 13th premier”

Alpha Trion February 11th, 2009

What made Trans­form­ers a good movie?

1.Incoherent plot? Dumb Allspark Mcguf­fin, scenes in the movie lead nowhere or had no real pur­pose, com­edy filler, waste time, no story logic. The movie’s script made it hard to sus­pend belief and enjoy the movie. B movie but with a big­ger budget…

2.Laughably bad CRINGE INDUCING dia­logue? “My bad” Shia “NoNoNoNoNo” Whats up lil B ****es” Touch my bush I’ll kick your @$$!” Happy Time” ect. ect. VOMIT

3. The army can kill the Decep­ti­cons, Trans­form­ers dis­ap­pear with no expla­na­tion? Why even have the autobots.

4.Transformers look like metal scraps glued together and have no personalities.

5.Dramatic scenes that fly straight out of left field? (“I’m so glad I got in the car with you.”) B movie

6.Formerly respectable star sinks to a new low? John Tur­turro Jon Voight,Golden Shower Bum­ble­bee pees now and farts? com­edy gold.…

7.Incredible over­act­ing that is obvi­ously encour­aged by the director?

8.Bumblebee who can­not speak for no appar­ent rea­son? Dam­aged in bat­tle .…please, pre­quel comic or motion comic just try to cover up bad story telling .Makes no sense other than that is what the direc­tor or script calls for in the movie. (no story logic.^)
Wouldn’t need to waste so much time If Bum­ble­Bee could repair him­self. Like Bar­ri­cade repaired him­self after the first fight and tell Shia that he needs the glasses!

9.Rampant racial stereo­typ­ing?” Hey Mammy “
“Speak Eng­lish dude ”

10.Characters with a lot of face time who end up play­ing no impor­tant role in the “story?“
Hack­ers and soldiers.

11.The action in some shots is hope­lessly mud­dled? Shaky Cam, close ups, and quick cut editing.

12. Jazz’s hilar­i­ous death scene is matched only by his hilar­i­ous eulogy? B movie

13. Trans­form­ers had lit­tle scene time due to over elab­o­rated designs which made them too expen­sive? Prime shows up 70 mins into the movie.

14. Bla­tant over the top prod­uct place­ment? Takes away from the movie expe­ri­ence. Not just minor prod­uct place­ment the movie stops just for the prod­uct place­ment. Bum­ble­bee updates to a newer car. The pilots get­ting into the F 22.

15. Trans­form­ers are sec­ondary char­ac­ters with lit­tle to no dialogue?

16. Hard to tell the Trans­form­ers apart. As long as the cam­era stands still long enough and the trans­former is not sil­ver. If it is an action scene for­get about it..

17. For an action block­buster there is not much action: 5 min of action in the begin­ning 10 min of action in the mid­dle and 15 min of action at the end. In a 2 hr and 30 min movie. All of which jumps around from robots to humans every 2 sec­onds, due to the quick cut edit­ing. Shaky Cam and close ups ruin most of the action.

18. Shia LaBarf can’t act? NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo BS com­edy shtick, Even Stevens with robots…

19. Mea­gan Fox can’t act? .….…LMAO please

20. Michael Bay can’t direct? ” I make movies for 13 year old boys.” Can’t remem­ber the Trans­form­ers names. Brawl is the tank Bay.. not DEVASTATOR!

Intense slow motion shots of characters

Has the cam­era mov­ing dur­ing most scenes. Very rarely uses sta­tic shots.

Actors/characters in his films are almost uni­formly shot in tight, emphatic close ups, framed under the hair­line and above the chin.

Often has over-the-top visu­als (i.e. key events tak­ing place at sun­set or dra­matic events tak­ing place behind actors doing rou­tine activities).

Uti­lizes monot­o­nic but intense musi­cal cues dur­ing action-filled car chase scenes. Bad Boys II (2003), The Island (2005)

Uses shots of air­craft against a set­ting sun, espe­cially heli­copters (Armaged­don (1998/I), Pearl Har­bor (2001), Trans­form­ers (2007)).

Often fea­tures a slow-motion shot of an object crash­ing into, or tum­bling towards the camera.

Uses a shot where the cam­era spins in a cir­cle around char­ac­ters. (Bad Boys II, Transformers)

Fre­quently incor­po­rates scenes that involve char­ac­ters run­ning or mov­ing towards the cam­era (almost always shot in slow-motion)

[Michael Bay on “Trans­form­ers look”]
Well, it’s just, you know, lis­ten, it’s like…I didn’t want to make the boxy char­ac­ters, you know? Think about it, 30 feet in the air in the real world, just boxes, you know and it’d just look more fake, you know? And by adding more doo-dads, you know, stuff on the…stuff. Stuff on the robots, more car parts, and…you know you can just make it look more real.

Will Trans­form­ers 2 be as good as the first one?

I hope this movie is 2 hours and 30 mins long with a lot of sol­diers, hack­ers and only 15 min­utes of inco­her­ent action!!! HELL YEAH THAT WILL BE AWESOME!!!!!!!

Will it have abhor­rent, hor­ren­dous, obnox­ious, repul­sive, ugly, swirling metal chucks, gorilla arm, uni­cy­cle retard look­ing Trans­form­ers in it.

Great job Bay keep lying to every­body about how your extremely expen­sive, hyper real­is­tic Trans­form­ers is the only look that works and is not silly.. No mid­dle ground between the orig­i­nal look and these bion­i­cles metal junk piles.…Even Stevens with robots as props.

It needs to have Shia Ledouche doing his crazy retard shtick, talk­ing to him­self and say­ing NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo. Megan Fox try­ing to act and look­ing like a 30 year old raged out street walker whore.

More shame­ful mas­tur­bat­ing close ups of her stom­ach… More ran­dom char­ac­ters who have no pur­pose in the film.

What will make it funny is to have more scenes of Trans­form­ers stum­bling around like morons hid­ing in the back­yard, golden shower scenes, bum­ble­bee fart­ing on Sam’s dad. COMEDY GOLD! Hor­ri­ble Stereo­types and bla­tant racism. So much respect to source material.…

Sure to get the Oscar this time,(Golden Com­pass LMAO) as long as we still have Michael Bay’s AWESOME char­ac­ter devel­op­ment, 20 cam­era using, seizure induc­ing can’t tell whats going on shaky cam, fast cut edit­ing, emphatic tight close ups, heli­copter in the sun­set, extremely nau­se­at­ing, repul­sive, over the top prod­uct place­ment, and slow motion over dra­matic explosions.

I sure hope so this movie will be AWESOME AND RAD TO THE MAX EXTREME with my A.D.H.D and short atten­tion span.
Be sure not to take your rid­di­lan when watch­ing this great action packed pop­corn block­buster, leave your brain at the door snore fest…

best­movieE­VAH February 12th, 2009

alpha­trion u freakin numbnut,go spam some­where else,pathetic retard.

Jee­bers February 18th, 2009

While I don’t like bestmovieEVA’s lan­guage, I do agree with him. Alpha Trion is def­i­nitely being a killjoy.

As for me, I just intend to wait and see. I just hope they don’t come out with Pre­mium ver­sions of the Trans­form­ers AFTER they come out with the orig­i­nal line of toys like they did with the first movie. Good thing I waited so long to buy the whole line of Trans­form­ers seen in the flick itself.