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Guillermo confirms his interest December 9th, 2005

Guillermo Del Toro has con­firmed in an inter­view with british movie mag­a­zine Empire that he has been hav­ing talks with Peter Jack­son, Bungie and Uni­ver­sal. He states:

“Well, Halo is very much an inter­est­ing project because it’s so full of mon­sters,” he said. “It’s a big temp­ta­tion. I’m in talks with them [Uni­ver­sal and Bungie Films] and Peter, but it’s not true that it’s on and Hellboy’s off. Hellboy’s on. If every­thing goes as planned, Hell­boy will go.”

He goes on to dis­cuss why he likes Halo, in very brief fashion:

“Most of the time games don’t have an uni­verse or crea­tures that inter­est me enough. And this one does. Mas­ter Chief [Halo’s mys­te­ri­ous hero] is such an iconic char­ac­ter and it’s very much a sort of a good ver­sion of [Hell­boy vil­lain] Kroenen.”

My per­sonal opin­ion is that this man would ruin the movie. Both Hell­boy and Mimic were lack­lus­ter aver­age films that started with great con­cepts and ended up as addled rub­bish, despite stel­lar casts. That atro­cious Paul W.S. Ander­son fan boy fetishism just oozes from him. The sac­ri­fice of sto­ry­line and arc devel­op­ment for poorly scripted and poorly exe­cuted CGI action-scenes is a trap just wait­ing for Halo. Del Toro will be right there to give it that final cat­tle prod of death. Del Toro, please stick to Hell­boy 2 and move on.

Another Leaked Script December 6th, 2005

Ram​pancy​.net has just recently pub­lished two arti­cles per­tain­ing to a suposed gen­uine and leaked Halo script. It bears sim­i­lar resem­blances to the Latino review although the ver­sion itself, if reli­able, is an ear­lier ver­sion: “While the two scripts might not be exactly the same, and either ver­sion might not be the one that ends up being shot, the review and the script itself have con­vinced me, solely by their con­tent, that at the very least they are work­ing ver­sions of the script for the Halo film,” take this as you will.

The first arti­cle enti­tled “Halo Film Script A Con­vinc­ing Adap­ta­tion” dis­cusses the author’s approach, the impli­ca­tions of such an arti­cle and finally spe­cific moments and clip­pings from the script: “So what I pro­pose to do is peri­od­i­cally post small details from the scripts as discussion-starters; points of com­par­i­son where the film diverges (even if only slightly) from the games and the nov­els, to see how the com­mu­nity feels about them. Who knows– if this script is, in fact, legit­i­mate, and any­one involved in actu­ally mak­ing the film sees these dis­cus­sions, it might serve as food for thought.” Such issues raised include the por­trayal of Cor­tana and the Pil­lar of Autumn cutscene.

A sec­ond arti­cle, “Are you talk­ing to me?” goes on to con­sider new scenes from the script, regard­ing in par­tic­u­lar the open­ing Halo 1 scene and Mas­ter Chief’s killing techniques.

Do not in any way deduce that these arti­cles pur­port to fact. They should we read as rumor and noth­ing more at this stage. Also be wary of both game and movie spoil­ers. With that in mind, here are the links:

Halo Film Script — A Con­vinc­ing Adap­ta­tion
Are you talk­ing to me?

Guillermo Del Toro to Direct? December 4th, 2005

Rumors abound, this name has been float­ing about con­sis­tantly across the inter­net. Now Harry at Aint it Cool has some more details. In a recent arti­cle he men­tions that Peter Jack­son and Del Toro have been in talks about the Halo movie, for roughly two months now and states, rather unhelp­fully: “As of now, I haven’t heard if Guillermo is offi­cially signed yet, but he’s prob­a­bly pretty darn close.”.

Harry goes on to explain the likely prob­lems with hav­ing Del Toro direct the Halo movie. Pri­mar­ily, Microsoft want to begin the movie’s pro­duc­tion as early as March 2007, yet Del Toro wants to remain ‘avail­able’ to over­see the cre­ation of his love child, Hell­boy 2.

For those not in the know, Guillermo Del Toro is respon­si­ble for the likes of Blade II, Hell­boy and Mimic.

This weeks bungie update also pays homage to the ongo­ing and highly antic­i­pated process of sign­ing a direc­tor. Frankie can’t get any­thing out of those involved but he does say this:“Joe Staten says he can’t say squat […] I can tell you per­son­ally that he looks very happy, smug even, this week.”

Source: Aint it Cool
For More News: More Sources

Latino Script Review December 4th, 2005

Latino Review:
“Yes folks, we at Lati­nore­view got our­selves the multimillion-dollar script of Halo by Alex Gar­land! I had to pull some Sam Fisher Splin­ter Cell moves to get it – but we got it. Let’s see, they paid Alex Gar­land $1 mil­lion bucks to write it, they sold it to Uni­ver­sal and Fox for $5 mil­lion bucks plus 10 per­cent of the gross. And they gave a seven-figure deal to both Peter Jack­son and Fran Walsh to exec pro­duce the movie. A $10 mil­lion dol­lar script – at least. Wow. The ques­tion: Is the script any good? My answer?”

Fake? He says not and indeed swears by it. But as things go we should always take things like this with a grain of salt. I don’t con­done pub­li­cally ‘spoil­ing’ a movie’s con­tent years before it makes it to the big screen and thus I am not going to post any of my thoughts on this. How­ever here is a com­men­tary if you wish to read one (rel­a­tively spoiler free):

Read Mori­arty (of Aint it Cool News) com­men­tary: here

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