Movie Chronicles » Evangelion Live Action Movie

Small Schedule Details April 11th, 2004

In a reply to an email ask­ing about the movie, Tiffany gave a few small extra details with respect to the sched­ule of the Live Action movie.

As we know, the movie is cur­rently in very early stages of pro­duc­tion. The main aim at this point seems to be find­ing a suit­able direc­tor to take on the project. Tiffany Grant goes on to state that it will be two to three YEARS before cast­ing takes place — so the actors they have in mind right now would have to be approx­i­mately twelve years old, so as to be the cor­rect age dur­ing filming.

Thanks to Saman­tha G

Upon email­ing Tiffany Grant about infor­ma­tion of cast­ing (I’m a 14 y/o girl who has received sev­eral com­pli­ments about my uncanny resem­b­lence to Rei), I received infor­ma­tion about the sched­ule laid out thus far. It is prob­a­bly all already known, but could serve as an update. It was received April 11, 2004:

The sta­tus of the live-action Eva movie is that it is cur­rently in very early stages of pre-production while a direc­tor is being found.  My best guess is that it will be two to three years before any cast­ing takes place, and it will be up to the direc­tor to decide where, when and how cast­ing will take place…

What I can tell you is that it is a strong desire at this point to cast actors that would be the cor­rect ages for the parts of the chil­dren.  There­fore, the actors who por­tray the roles of the three kids will be about twelve right now…

One of the impor­tant rea­sons for cast­ing kids the right age can be seen by watch­ing the Harry Pot­ter movies.  There was a film­ing delay, and the kids aged quite a bit more than they should have between the sec­ond and third years.

I am not sure how use­ful that will be to you, how­ever, you might find it inter­est­ing enough to post. Obvi­ously young Daniel Rad­cliffe will not be casted, then…

Saman­tha G