Movie Chronicles » Evangelion Live Action Movie

Weta’s Magi May 5th, 2004

Noth­ing really new on the live action movie recently, await­ing offi­cial announce­ments from ADV. How­ever, here is some infor­ma­tion about Weta you may be inter­ested in. The BBC has an arti­cle cov­er­ing the super­com­puter power that lies behind Weta Work­shop. If by count­ing the num­ber of proces­sors a super­com­puter has as a gauge of size; Weta has the third largest in the world — along­side an archive stor­ing 500 terrabytes of data.

For the com­plete arti­cle: http://​news​.bbc​.co​.uk/​2​/​h​i​/​t​e​c​h​n​o​l​o​g​y​/​3​6​7​2​8​8​7​.​stm
Thanks to Vin­cent Pham