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ADV Theatrical Division December 13th, 2004

ADV have launched a new sec­tion of their web­site ded­i­cated to their the­atri­cal releases.

ADV The­atri­cal Division

Quote: ADV Films, the #1 producer-distributor of animé in the U.S., today announced that they are expand­ing the ADV Films web­site to include a page ded­i­cated to the company’s the­atri­cal releases (www​.adv​films​.com/​t​h​e​a​t​r​i​cal).

The new web­site, with an empha­sis on Japan­ese and Korean films, offers a one-stop infor­ma­tion source for both film buffs and the­atre pro­fes­sion­als, pro­vid­ing back­ground mate­r­ial on each film as well as list­ings of the­atres and play dates for cur­rent show­ings. The­atre man­agers and pub­li­cists are able to down­load press mate­ri­als, includ­ing biogra­phies, cast and crew lists, inter­views and art work for each film. Film buy­ers have the abil­ity to check out ADV Theatrical’s release sched­ule as well as a chance to see what films are avail­able in 35 mm from ADV’s library, such as the clas­sic Gam­era series.

This expan­sion of the web site comes at time when the cin­ema world is focus­ing on the Korean film mak­ing indus­try. Richard Pena, Direc­tor of the New York Film Fes­ti­val and cura­tor of the Korean Film ret­ro­spec­tive at Lin­coln Cen­ter recently stated “With recent major fes­ti­val awards at Cannes and Venice, the cin­ema of South Korea has become one of the most respected, and eagerly antic­i­pated, national cin­e­mas any­where today.”

“This new page is a wel­come addi­tion to our web site” said John Led­ford, pres­i­dent, CEO and co-founder of ADV Films. “Our animé web site has always been very pop­u­lar with our fans and I know that our the­atri­cal page will be also.”

Comments 6 Responses to “ADV Theatrical Division”

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