Movie Chronicles

5th Dark Knight TV Spot June 20th, 2008

This was has more of a focus on Rachel / Mag­gie Gyllenhaal:

Princeton Casting Call June 20th, 2008

Heery Cast­ing are back with a call for the Prince­ton shoot:

Needed are union and Non-Union back­ground men and women, ages 18–24 — must LOOK COLLEGE AGE, all eth­nic­i­ties, for scenes set in Prince­ton NJ. Shoot­ing will take place in June 2008.

No act­ing expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary; both SAG and non-union tal­ent will be con­sid­ered. All roles are paid positions.

Please sub­mit a CURRENT pic­ture of your­self to:

Your photo must be in .jpg format.

NO phone calls please.

Sam’s fleeing parents and french explosions June 20th, 2008

City Hall in Philadel­phia is mocked up to look like Ecole Mil­i­taire in Paris for film­ing which took place yes­ter­day. The set­ting for the scene is a hol­i­day for Sam Witwicky’s par­ents — Kevin Dunn and Julie White.

Video and pic­tures from Mia show Bum­ble­bee, the green Chevy Beat and red Chevy Trax in the area as well as a small explo­sion and panic in the square. If you scroll down you can see what seems to be an exten­sion of this, although tak­ing place at night, of con­tin­ued may­hem and run­ning — this time by Sam’s par­ents, who may or may not have been in the square at the time of the explosion:

Philly­Film­Girl also man­aged to get some can­did footage of Sam’s par­ents in an alley­way run­ning away from an explo­sion, surely with a robot CG’d in later amidst the flash­ing blue lights. The other video shows them run­ning down the alley with a teeny “Smart Car” hastily fly­ing past them — most likely flee­ing from the same thing, rather than being a robot.

Con­tribut­ing Source: TLAMB

New Chevy Trax in Front Street filming June 20th, 2008

On Wednes­day the vehi­cles of Trans­form­ers 2 were out and about in a chase scene on Front Street. Jalop­nik were on hand to snap a cou­ple of shots, show­ing Bum­ble­bee either chas­ing, being chased by or lead­ing the green Chevy Beat car we’d seen at Beth­le­hem, PA and under wraps in other locations.

They also got the first pic­ture of a new Auto­bot, a red Chevy Trax — (pos­si­bly the twin of the Chevy Beat?):

It is also rumored that the thrid of the new Chevy trio may turn up — the Chevy Groove:

Chevy Trio

Con­tribut­ing source TFW2005.

Megan Fox — “Look Hot” June 19th, 2008

MTV have been speak­ing with Trans­form­ers star and FHM’s sex­i­est woman in the world, Megan Fox.

“As big as the first movie was, this is 10 times as big, 10 times as many set pieces, explo­sions, and acro­batic stunts,” she told us about “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen. “Shia and I make out a lit­tle bit; I don’t know if any­one wants to see that.”

“You know, we’ve been hav­ing script meet­ings, and we’ve been rework­ing the script, because they wrote it fast because of the writer’s strike,” she explained. “And, we’ve just been going through and try­ing to do some char­ac­ter stuff for Shia and myself in the mid­dle of this crazy world that they’re in.”


“I can tell you that we’re on loca­tions in some really exotic places,” she added. “It’s just going to be a badass movie. It’s just going to be a popcorn-visual-spectacle, sum­mer film.”


As for Michael Bay’s main direc­to­r­ial input to his lead actress, Megan had this to say: “His main note to me is just to look hot; so I try my best.

As we can see, she doesn’t find this too difficult:

Welcome to Paris, PA — aka City Hall June 19th, 2008

Viva La France. As reported, the area sur­round­ing City Hall has been donned up to look like a sub­urb of Paris, com­plete with signs point­ing towards “La Tour Eif­fel” and French flags bil­low­ing (not that the French actu­ally put up flags all over the place, unlike the patri­otic Amer­i­cans). The Philly­ChitChat blog has cap­tured pic­tures of the set up and the newly added French flavour. Other signs state “Ecole Mil­i­taire”, which means Mil­i­tary Acad­emy and is a Paris Metro sta­tion. There is also a sec­ond report about the French café set.

Whilst at East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary, Cheese­burger, via TLAMB, reports that Cell Block 7 is being pre­pared for film­ing on Friday.

Fol­low­ing the reports of Bum­ble­bee being spot­ted at Rich­mond Power Sta­tion yes­ter­day, Ener­gonkid has pro­vided a shot of two Bum­ble­bees (Hero and Stunt), sit­ting side by site:

Why So Serious — Laugh Til It Hurts June 19th, 2008

Looks like the Joker is up to his mis­chief again. Bruce, a proud owner of a Joker phone, has just got a text from humanresources@​whysoserious.​com, reading:

Wel­come to Short-Attention-Span-Theater: Lash Guilt Thru Unit (-un)”

Which works out as “Laugh Til It Hurts” and takes us to the new flash game:


New Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems page found:


And a flash of The Joker towards the end of the video…

Thanks Bruce!

Dark Knight invades MySpace, Nokia page June 18th, 2008

Users of the small and unknown MySpace web­site may have noticed that it’s front page has been taken over by The Dark Knight as part of its com­menc­ing tra­di­tional mar­ket­ing cam­paign as we hur­tle towards its release date. A sec­ond ded­i­cated Dark Knight MySpace page has also been set up, where there are wall­pa­pers, etc.

Not being in the US, the delight­ful geo-coded redi­rects pre­vent me from see­ing any of this, some screen­shots and the wall­pa­pers would be great if some­one could send them in.

There’s also a Nokia web­site which is flash based with a host of treats for your phone. Ironic that the site is pretty much use­less when viewed from the major­ity of phones.

Thanks Tim!

EDIT: King Uta has sent in the pic­ture, thanks!:

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