Movie Chronicles

Green Lantern next super hero for Warner Bros.? December 20th, 2008

Alan Horn, pres­i­dent of Warner Bros., recently spoke to Col­lider about the future of Bat­man and other super heroes at the WB. The Green Lantern news comes towards the end of the brief inter­view, here is Collider’s transcript:

I then ask when we might be see­ing another Super­man. “Prob­a­bly in the next cou­ple of years. We’re very anx­ious to bring Super­man back also.”

I then say Green Lantern? “Also on the board. On the run­way. Hasn’t taken off yet, but we’re close.”

I finally ask what he thinks the next Super­hero prop­erty might be from Warner Bros. He says “I think Green Lantern is prob­a­bly the best guess but I can’t promise it at this moment.”

And Jus­tice League? “Not yet.”

Dark Knight in AFI’s top movies of 2008 December 20th, 2008

The Amer­i­can Film Insti­tute has listed its top movies of 2008, and The Dark Knight is listed in it along with some pres­ti­gious company:

The Curi­ous Case of Ben­jamin But­ton
The Dark Knight
Frozen River
Gran Torino
Iron Man
Wendy and Lucy
The Wrestler

Frank Miller gives some comments on Sin City 2 December 20th, 2008

More of the same really, but SSH recently spoke with Frank Miller, ask­ing him about the 300 spin-off and Sin City 2.

With regards to Mickey Rourke’s recent com­ments con­cern­ing his hes­i­ta­tion in repris­ing his role as Marv, Frank says,

“He has a pretty big role. I hope Mickey plays it.”

And about Robert Rodriguez,

“I hope to work with Robert. We’re talk­ing it over and try­ing to work out the mechan­ics of actu­ally get­ting it made. It’s always tricky with movies. I believe that a movie’s going to come out as soon as I see its name on a marquee.”

“Rasputin” working title December 20th, 2008

Just a lit­tle tid­bit for you on Iron Man 2’s devel­op­ments. Pro­duc­tion Weekly are report­ing that Iron Man 2 will be pro­duc­ing under the fake moniker of “Rasputin”, a name that will be for inter­nal use — this is cer­tainly not the title of the sequel.

Batman breaks Blu-ray record, +10m units sold December 20th, 2008

Can’t say we didn’t see this one com­ing. Nikki Finke has the scoop on the sales numbers,

I just heard that Warner Bros’ Bat­man Blu-ray discs alone sold 600,000 copies on Tues­day, the first day of release. By con­trast, Marvel/Paramount’s Iron Man sold 250,000 Blu-ray discs when it pre­miered on Sep­tem­ber 30th and ended up sell­ing 400,000 Blu-ray units in its first week. But wait til you see what The Dark Knight sold in both for­mats, stan­dard def and hi-def: 3 mil­lion copies bought by cus­tomers in the U.S., Canada and the UK on its first day in stores. That’s 3x the norm.

Reuters have the lat­est update on the DVD and Blu-ray sales, stat­ing that more than 10 mil­lion units have been shifted:

Sales of the DVD, star­ring Chris­t­ian Bale as Bat­man and the late Heath Ledger as the vil­lain­ous Joker, totaled more than 10 mil­lion units world­wide since its Decem­ber 9 release and are expected to remain strong through­out the hol­i­day sea­son, Time Warner Inc’s Warner Bros movie stu­dio said. Ten mil­lion units trans­late into an esti­mated $175 mil­lion in rev­enues, accord­ing to Home Media Mag­a­zine Mar­ket Research.

The best sell­ing DVD of all time is “Find­ing Nemo” with over 60m units sold.

Soundtrack now eligible for Oscar nomination December 20th, 2008

In a turn­around it appears that the James New­ton Howard/Hans Zim­mer sound­track is once again eli­gi­ble for an Acad­emy Award nom­i­na­tion. It had pre­vi­ously been ruled out (Nov 10th) because 5 com­posers were named on the cue sheet; which was deemed to be too many. In response the ‘affected par­ties’ sub­mit­ted infor­ma­tion to the con­trary, lead­ing The Music Branch Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee to con­clude that Zim­mer and Howard had author­ship of the score, putting the music back in con­tention for an Oscar.

Source: Vari­ety

Chevy Volt is Transformer named “Jolt” December 20th, 2008

TF08 have snagged a back of packet image show­ing the Chey Volt’s robot mode and char­ac­ter name which is “Jolt”, appro­pri­ate con­sid­er­ing the elec­tric nature of the vehicle.

The robot comes with ‘elec­tro whips’ which make him an ‘almost unstop­pable whirl­wind of crack­ling energy’. The detail on the robot image falls inline with the con­cept art and style of the Trans­form­ers movie franchise.

This is nigh on con­fir­ma­tion that the Volt is in fact a Trans­former, as recently speculated.

He is chaotic and impul­sive, always out for the next big adventure.

TF2 UK Release Date announced December 20th, 2008

Trans­form­ers at the moon have heard from Para­mount Pic­tures UK that the Eng­lish release date for Revenge of the Fallen will be the same as the US date, June 26th 2009.

It’s good to see us Brits not being delayed again — it was pretty tough blog­ging about The Dark Knight release know­ing that I had to wait one extra week to see it!

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