Movie Chronicles

Sin City 2 is written, shooting as early as April December 7th, 2008

Frank Miller has recently been speak­ing with IGN UK about The Spirit and the Sin City 2 sequel,

Sin City 2 is writ­ten. It’s mainly a mat­ter of work­ing out the details of the pro­duc­tion. I’m hop­ing to do it with Robert Rodriguez again in the same cir­cum­stances that we did the first one, and we could be shoot­ing as soon as April.”

Shoot­ing as soon as April is prob­a­bly too hope­ful, I’ve got my fin­gers crossed for a shoot begin­ning by June 2009.

Dark Knight score nominated for Grammy December 7th, 2008

The nom­i­na­tions list for the 51st Grammy Awards have been announced and Hans Zimmer/James New­ton Howard’s Dark Knight sound­track is included in them:

Best Score Sound­track Album For Motion Pic­ture, Tele­vi­sion Or Other Visual Media
(Award to Composer(s) for an orig­i­nal score cre­ated specif­i­cally for, or as a com­pan­ion to, a cur­rent legit­i­mate motion pic­ture, tele­vi­sion show or series or other visual media.)

* The Dark Knight
James New­ton Howard & Hans Zim­mer, com­posers
[Warner Sunset/Warner Bros.]

* Indi­ana Jones And The King­dom Of The Crys­tal Skull
John Williams, com­poser
[Con­cord Records]

* Iron Man
Ramin Djawadi, com­poser

* There Will Be Blood
Jonny Green­wood, com­poser
[None­such Records]

* Wall-E
Thomas New­man, com­poser
[Walt Dis­ney Records/Pixar]

DVD Pre-release Dark Knight games December 7th, 2008

Lead­ing up to the Decem­ber 9th DVD and Blu-ray release of The Dark Knight, Warner Bros. have set up a cou­ple of Dark Knight related games for us fans to play.

The first is “The Dark Knight Puz­zle”,

Here’s my badge…

The sec­ond is from My Dark Knight, the page is enti­tled The Dark Knight Wid­get, which comes with lots of pro­mo­tional niceties, such as Twit­ter back­grounds, down­loads (wall­pa­pers, screen­savers) and a pro­file pic creator.

Includ­ing the “peel­back” script after the break…
Read the rest of this entry »

Dark Knight re-release, January 23rd December 7th, 2008

The cin­e­matic re-release of The Dark Knight to coin­cide with the Oscars is going to take place on Jan­u­ary 23rd, report Vari­ety.

Warner Bros. will re-release “The Dark Knight” on Jan. 23 in a nation­wide launch, guar­an­tee­ing that it will become the fourth film to take in more than $1 bil­lion in world­wide box office.

“Knight” has cumed $530.3 mil­lion domes­ti­cally and $465.9 mil­lion inter­na­tion­ally, leav­ing it less than $4 mil­lion short of the billion-dollar mile­stone. Only “Titanic,” “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” have topped that mark.

“Knight” also is the second-highest domes­tic grosser of all time, trail­ing only “Titanic.”

The re-release will come six weeks after the DVD launch of “Knight,” set for Tuesday.

Dan Fell­man, pres­i­dent of Warner’s domes­tic dis­tri­b­u­tion, made the announce­ment Thurs­day. “We wanted to pro­vide one more oppor­tu­nity for movie­go­ers to expe­ri­ence it on the bigscreen as it was meant to be seen,” he added.

Thanks jetxj9!

Fan made Joker defaced Oscar Poster December 7th, 2008

Nick wrote in with this excel­lent piece of Fan art show­ing an (old) Oscar poster clev­erly defaced by the Joker, cre­ated by joshmc at the Fan Art Exhibit.

TF2’s Ravage and Megatron Revealed December 7th, 2008

TLAMB have posted the first look at Trans­form­ers: Revenge of The Fallen’s Mega­tron and Rav­age, sent into them via Sylar. Illus­trat­ing a pos­si­ble beat mode design for Rav­age and a robot mode for Megatron.

Note the tracks on Megatron’s feet, lin­ing up with the Tank mode we have already seen.

Jake interview and first video footage November 19th, 2008

ET Online have posted a video inter­view with Jake Gyl­len­haal, show­ing quick snip­pets of action, Jake hav­ing some fun and Jerry Bruck­heimer. It’s pretty laid back, and, as media movie scoops tend to go, this one is pretty good.

Note the quick pan­ning shots of Morocco, the two sworded action scenes.

Pic­tures from the video

Thanks Mal!

Warner Bros. launches ‘For Your Consideration’ Site November 11th, 2008

Warner Broth­ers have launched a Dark Knight ‘For Your Con­sid­er­a­tion’ web­site as we approach the awards sea­son. The site also fea­tures a free down­load of the Dark Knight screen­play and a list of upcom­ing screenings.

In other news, the mayor of Bat­man, a small town in Turkey, is look­ing to sue the film mak­ers for using the name of their town with­out per­mis­sion. Shouldn’t mat­ter really, con­sid­er­ing The Dark Knight is cur­rently sit­ting at almost $997m world­wide, and about to step into the mem­bers only bil­lion dol­lar club.

(Also, did you know, appar­ently The Dark Knight has bro­ken some records! Maybe even the one for blu-ray sales!)

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