Movie Chronicles » Evangelion Live Action Movie

Alive and well (part 3) February 9th, 2006

Well there hasn’t been much news of late and many of us still have our fin­gers crossed, oth­ers are prais­ing and remain hope­ful the movie will never see the light of day. A lot of vis­i­tors have sub­mit­ted the lat­est com­ments from Matt Green­field which have appeared at Active Animé. He stated that half of the movies’ bud­get had been raised and that three ‘top A list direc­tors’ were inline and com­pet­ing for the chance to direct. Still no idea as to when pro­duc­tion will start, mainly due to Weta Workshop’s involve­ment in the Halo movie live action adap­ta­tion which will soon commence.