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Evangelion Live Action

Evangelion Live Action Movie

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What’s in Animé Insider #12? January 26th, 2004

The images will be made avail­able to you soon! But before then, here is a quick run down of all the won­der­ful fea­tures to do with the eva movie in the lat­est issue of Animé insider.

The pro­duc­tion images. Yes, all NEW images as promised.
Image 01: This is a panoramic view of NERV’s Evan­ge­lion Unit Hangar Bay, much like the image already seen, it shows Unit 1 with what looks like a partly dis­fig­ured horn. In the dis­tance is another tank con­tain­ing an unknown object that does not look like an eva unit. The image is also scat­tered with NERV employ­ees going about their daily jobs.
Image 02: Another shot of Unit 0, it looks sim­i­lar to the animé ver­sion although aspects of it have been mod­i­fied to look more bio­me­chan­i­cal (e.g. mus­cu­lar, ske­li­tal).
Image 03: Here is our first shot of Rei Ayanami. The image shows her plug­suit; Eva is writ­ten on the chest plate and var­i­ous small details have been changed from the animé ver­sion. We can also see Rei’s face and her appear­ance is of an Asian nature.

As for the inter­view with Exec­u­tive pro­ducer Matthew Green­field, here are the details we now know:
The script, which Green­field took time out of his hon­ey­moon to work with, is being shown around to var­i­ous par­ties in order to bring more staff and crew into the project — even though the script is a very first draft and will most likely change dras­ti­cally (depend­ing on the direc­tor).
The story will be self-contained and if suc­cess­ful, will make way for sequels. Green­field used Matrix Reloaded as an exam­ple of what he is try­ing to avoid cre­at­ing. As for cur­rent con­cept art pro­duc­tion, Weta have 12 artists going at it. This movie could take for­ever to pro­duce and we may not get to see it until 2010. But let’s hope not.

Note: Animé Insider #12 now out on Newsstands.

Animé Insider on sale tomorrow January 26th, 2004

ISSUE 12 of ANIME INSIDER ON SALE TOMORROW! On sale at local comic book stores across Amer­ica tomor­row, on the news­stands Decem­ber 30th.
The new issue of Animé Insider (issue #12, for those of you keep­ing score at home) fea­tures exclu­sive pro­duc­tion images from the in-production Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion live-action movie! Also, this issue’s cast­ing call takes a look at who the AI staff would cast in the movie.

The cover also fea­tures Ken­shin from Samu­rai X, accom­pa­ny­ing an arti­cle exam­in­ing the his­tor­i­cal facts behind Kenshin’s saga. That’s good readin’.

- source ADV

FOFR NOTE: Yay more point­less rumors to begin cir­cu­la­tion thanks to the AI staff cast pre­dic­tions and wishes. But on the plus side… more fan­tas­tic images! com­ing soon!

Animé Insider to have new interview and images January 26th, 2004

Animé Insider is rumored to be hav­ing a detailed inter­view with Matt Green­field in an upcom­ing issue, #12. Matt Green­field, hus­band to Tiffany Grant (eng­lish voice actor for Asuka) will be on the pro­duc­tion team for the live action eva movie. There are also promises of some more glo­ri­ous unseen pro­duc­tion images to feast your eyes upon.

Source: Animé Tourist / Tiffany Grant
Issue 11 of Animé Insider is out now and can be bought here

Live action movie feature on “Resurrection” DVD January 26th, 2004

Finally, we have some more news on the live action eva movie. ADV Films has just released details and infor­ma­tion about the upcom­ing Evan­ge­lion Director’s Cut, the first part being slated for a Jan 13th 2004 release. The gem herein, is one of the spe­cial fea­tures to appear on the disc​.An inter­view with Richard Tay­lor, co-founder of the spe­cial effects work­shop, Weta — last­ing approx­i­mately 25 min­utes. The disc will also con­tain many more cur­rently unre­leased pro­duc­tion images for the movie.

Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion: Direc­tors’ Cut-Resurrection ($29.98 SRP) includes episodes 21–23 in both director’s cut and orig­i­nal broad­cast ver­sions. In both Eng­lish 2.0-languange and Japan­ese 2.0-language ver­sions, with Eng­lish sub­ti­tles. Includes ADV previews.

HOUSTON, Novem­ber 5, 2003-ADV Films today announced a Jan­u­ary 13, 2004 release date for Res­ur­rec­tion, the first of two Direc­tors’ Cut vol­umes of the enor­mously influ­en­tial animé series Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion. The Direc­tors’ Cut is not just a remas­ter, but a revised and re-edited spe­cial edi­tion pro­duced under the care­ful super­vi­sion of cre­ators Hideaki Anno and Gainax to include amaz­ing new footage never before avail­able out­side of Japan. The first vol­ume con­tains Evan­ge­lion episodes 21–23 in both the extended Direc­tors’ Cut ver­sions and the orig­i­nal broad­cast ver­sions, allow­ing fans to see the cre­ative pro­gres­sion of this sem­i­nal title’s final moments.

In addi­tion to the Direc­tors’ Cut episodes, ADV has obtained spe­cial DVD extras that are sure to fuel the excite­ment for this highly antic­i­pated release. Res­ur­rec­tion will include an exclu­sive 25-minute inter­view with Richard Tay­lor, co-founder and head of Effects and Crea­tures at Weta Work­shop, the mul­ti­ple Acad­emy Award-winning (for The Lord of the Rings tril­ogy) spe­cial effects stu­dio cur­rently work­ing on the Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion live-action fea­ture. Also included are numer­ous never-before-seen pro­duc­tion images from the the­atri­cal release.

- ADV (Arti­cle)

Interview with Tiffany Grant January 26th, 2004

Tiffany Grant (voice actor for Asuka) has just had an inter­view with Comi­con.

When asked about her views, thoughts and plans for the movie Tiffany says she thinks it will be “INCREDIBLE” and also men­tions that her hus­band Matt Green­field will be on the pro­duc­tion team. Appar­ently she knows a lot about the movie how­ever isn’t allowed to tell any­one any­thing. Accord­ing to Tiffany, a large por­tion of the folks at WETA are fans of Evan­ge­lion as, “the entire show has aired in Aus­tralia at least twice on reg­u­lar tele­vi­sion”. This is good news. She also goes on to men­tion that if the movie is suc­cess­ful we can expect one or two more sequels to cover the whole 26 episode period.
Now for the not so good news. When asked about cast­ing, she stated she had a few ideas about who could play Asuka, but also spec­u­lated that the shoot­ing wont begin for another cou­ple of years. Mean­ing we wont get to see the movie until at least 2006. But we can­not rush these things.

THE PULSE: What do you think of the plans for a live action NGE movie? What have you heard about it?

GRANT: I think it’s going to be INCREDIBLE! Since my hus­band, Matt Green­field, is one of the pro­duc­ers, I know WAY more about it than I am allowed to tell >=)

The folks who pro­duced the ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies down in New Zealand, WETA, didn’t want to be out of a job when LOTR finally wraps all its post pro­duc­tion, so they were look­ing for work. Since many of them were Eva fans (real­ize that the entire show has aired in Aus­tralia at least twice on reg­u­lar tele­vi­sion), they thought why not do a live action Eva film?

Rest assured, since ADV and Gainax are both on board for this project, it will be han­dled with kid gloves. And, if it’s suc­cess­ful, you can look for one or two more sequels since it won’t be pos­si­ble to tell the whole 26 episode story in one two-hour movie. If you want to get an idea of the types of tech­niques that will be involved, just watch the behind-the-scenes doc­u­men­taries on the LOTR DVDs. Amaz­ing stuff!
THE PULSE: These char­ac­ters are obvi­ously very near and dear to your heart. Whom would you like to see cast in the film?

GRANT: Funny as it may sound, I haven’t thought about too many of the parts. I do have an idea about a pos­si­ble Asuka, but I don’t think I am at lib­erty to say. How­ever, since the film won’t begin shoot­ing for about two years, keep your eyes out for up-and-coming thirteen-year-olds who will be fif­teen when film­ing begins. ;-)

Full inter­view avail­able here: Full Inter­view
More infor­ma­tion on Tiffany here: Tiffany’s Web­site

Online discussion links for debate January 26th, 2004

Every­one is won­der­ing what this movie will be like, who will play who, who will direct, how true will they remain to the story. Ques­tion after ques­tion. And all we can do right now is debate these ques­tions and the pos­si­ble answers. Thus here are some online dis­cus­sions con­cern­ing the Live action EVA movie, Live action animé in gen­eral and other purty things.

Ani​me​boards​.com — Live action Eva is com­ing (30 pages+) Ani​me​boards​.com — More Info on Live action NGE Blade​gash​.net — Big News, Live action Eva EFML — News on Eva live-action movie Slash​dot​.org — ADV Announce Live Action EVA End​less​realms​.com — Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion live action movie due

This should do for now.

“[E]vangelion” is not the live action movie January 26th, 2004

Jon Lange Online
Here is the con­fir­ma­tion that this movie is in fact com­pletely un-related to the animé series, as pre­vi­ously predicted.

The film instead cov­ers, “the prob­lems with the cen­tral­iz­ing pow­ers within the EU and ver­sus the USA. Great pow­ers col­lide, God is manip­u­lated and peo­ple have their own agen­das.. Noth­ing is sacred.” In a A futur­is­tic and reli­gious sci-fi action thriller. Thus, mov­ing on…

Gainax gives us dedicated page January 26th, 2004

Gainax “Eva Gone Hol­ly­wood” page
Gainax have put up a page on their site fur­ther con­firm­ing the movie’s exis­tance and creation.

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