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Evangelion Live Action Movie

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50 High Resolution Concept Art Images March 5th, 2004

Arkiel has again pro­vided us with some jew­els to feast our eyes upon. This time it’s FIFTY high res­o­lu­tion images of the Director’s Cut DVD con­cept images, in all their detail and glory. These images are MUCH bet­ter than the pre­vi­ous ones and allow us to more thor­oughly pick them with our rumor cre­at­ing needles.

One of the major things to come from this update is the large image of REI’s torso, on it we can see her lower arm and the text writ­ten on it which states, “NERV — Rei Ayanami”. Sug­gest­ing, that for the time being, her name is and still is REI.

High Res­o­lu­tion Images
30. Unit 00 Pro­file: Head | Lower Body | Upper Body
31. Unit 01 Sta­sis: Head | Lower Body | Upper Body
32. Unit 01 Pro­file: Lower Body | Upper Body
33. Gun Rack: Gear | Lower Gear
34. Unit 02 Restraints: Upper Body | Restraints
35. Asuka Pro­file: Lower Back | Upper Back | Lower Front | Upper Front
36. Nerv: The Bridge
37. Nerv: Cen­tral Dogma | Com­mand 01 | Com­mand 02 | Com­mand 03
38. Ramiel: Drill Upper | Drill Lower | Pro­file
39. Unit 00: Berserker
40. Unit 00: Injured | Injured Lower
41. Unit 01: Berserker
42. Unit 02: Onlook­ing
43. Unit 02: Lower Mouth | Upper Mouth | Upper Body | Lower Body
44. Unit 02 Pro­file: Lower Body | Mid Body
45. Nerv: Hold­ing Bay 01 | Hold­ing Bay 02 | Tank Higher | Tank Lower
46. New City: 01 | 02 | 03
47. Rei Pro­file: Upper Back | Upper Front | Mid Front | Lower Front (note text on arm)
48. Susan Whitall: Upper Body | Lower Body

Genesis Reborn Concept Art March 3rd, 2004

Yes, Gen­e­sis Reborn con­tains some all new con­cept art from Weta Work­shop for you to admire and thrust your ruth­less rumor pro­vok­ing opin­ions on. These new pic­tures pro­vide new looks and details con­cern­ing Eva Unit 01, show­ing us a pos­si­ble bio­me­chan­i­cal look for the beast and also giv­ing us a supreme close up of a pre­vi­ous pro­file image. There is also an image of the Eva Unit 00 cock­pit — Throne of the Soul, with and with­out Rei Ayanami. The image sug­gests the con­trols for the pilots will be very sim­i­lar to those within the animé.

Images cour­tesy of Arkiel, once again. ENJOY.

Questions finally answered March 2nd, 2004

Look what Uncle KamaKase has for you! This is writ­ten by Tiffany Grant:

As for the “slug” names used in the pre­lim­i­nary script (NOT the final ver­sion!!!) which appear on the pro­duc­tion draw­ings, they are only used so as not to refer to them as “Pilot A” and “Cap­tain B” etc. As has been widely dis­cussed, the cast will be inter­na­tional, and mostly of Euro­pean descent. Mean­ing, for exam­ple, if Daniel Rad­cliffe (Animé Insider’s sug­ges­tion — NOT mine!) were to play the lead male role, it would be pretty stu­pid to call an ENGLISH boy “Shinji.”

The show is in VERY early stages of pre-production, so noth­ing is final yet. ADV was just try­ing to share a lit­tle Eva good­ness with every­one by show­ing off some of the thou­sands of pro­duc­tion draw­ings that have been pro­duced. I think they are fab­u­lous, per­son­ally, and I eagerly await each new devel­op­ment in the project.


But if you ask me, leav­ing it on “I believe you can all rest easy know­ing that the films will be every­thing and more that we ever thought they could be.” Isn’t very reas­sur­ing. But I sup­pose they had to try and coax us some how:

I noticed there have been a num­ber of posts regard­ing the movie, and
this is a lit­tle essay I have writ­ten for your perusal. I hope it
clears some things up. — TG

First off, there are 26 TV episodes and two movies in the Eva
library. The first goal is to pro­duce a movie that encap­su­lates the
most impor­tant ele­ments of the early part of the series so that the
viewer will not have to have seen the afore­men­tioned 15 or so hours
of video — AND — leave room for one or two (maybe more?) fol­low up
films that can fin­ish off the story.

The movie is being pro­duced jointly by Gainax (of course), ADV and
WETA. If you are some­how NOT famil­iar with the WETA Work­shop, this
is the incred­i­ble stu­dio founded by Peter Jack­son in New Zealand that
cre­ated the Lord of the Rings films. By watch­ing the fan­tas­tic
doc­u­men­taries on the LOTR DVDs, you can get an excel­lent idea of the
kind of atten­tion to detail that is being given to everything.

Also, if you have read the LOTR, I think you will see that the
char­ac­ters in that iconic tome have been very faith­fully brought to
life and not, as you put it, “screwed up.” In fact, in a film
adap­ta­tion of the sec­ond most read book in the Eng­lish lan­guage (the
Bible is the first), it is pretty well unan­i­mously agreed that WETA
got it exactly right. Bear­ing that in mind, I have every rea­son to
have con­fi­dence that the same folks who hand glued every hair on each
hob­bit foot, will do a spec­tac­u­lar job with our NGE heroes.

Keep in mind that WETA will not be doing this in a vac­uum either, as
they will be super­vised by peo­ple at both Gainax and ADV (such as my
hus­band, of course).

As for the “slug” names used in the pre­lim­i­nary script (NOT
the final ver­sion!!!) which appear on the pro­duc­tion draw­ings, they
are only used so as not to refer to them as “Pilot A” and “Cap­tain B“
etc. As has been widely dis­cussed, the cast will be inter­na­tional,
and mostly of Euro­pean descent. Mean­ing, for exam­ple, if Daniel
Rad­cliffe (Animé Insider’s sug­ges­tion — NOT mine!) were to play the
lead male role, it would be pretty stu­pid to call an ENGLISH
boy “Shinji.”

The show is in VERY early stages of pre-production, so noth­ing is
final yet. ADV was just try­ing to share a lit­tle Eva good­ness with
every­one by show­ing off some of the thou­sands of pro­duc­tion draw­ings
that have been pro­duced. I think they are fab­u­lous, per­son­ally, and
I eagerly await each new devel­op­ment in the project.

I believe you can all rest easy know­ing that the films will be
every­thing and more that we ever thought they could be.

Info on Tiffany Grant’s personal site February 29th, 2004

Orig­i­nal post by forum mem­ber Nages. Nages has given news of an update on Tiffany Grant’s web­site, where there is now info on the Evan­ge­lion Live action movie. It basi­cally tells us things that we already know while try­ing not to cir­cum­vent the inti­a­tion of obscene gos­sip regard­ing any­thing whatsoever.

Here is the topic: Orig­i­nal Topic
Here is the site (it’s at the bot­tom): Tiffany Grant’s Website

Matt Greenfield Answers Questions February 28th, 2004

Orig­i­nally posted by forum mem­ber YUNA. Thanks Yuna.
Com­plete Arti­cle Here

At “A Week­end With Tomino”, Matthew Green­field was asked a series of ques­tions regard­ing the live action evan­ge­lion movie. Yuna has posted a tran­script of this ques­tion & answer ses­sion which can be found on the link above.

In sum­mary; Matt states his rea­sons as to why no thoughts on cast meme­bers have been aired yet — par­tic­u­larly because they may be per­fect now, but when film­ing actu­ally starts they may not be (due to age­ing). He also goes on to talk about Lau­rence Fish­burne. With regards to sto­ry­line he men­tions that the movie will stay true to some things but quite obvi­ously not every­thing. (He really reveals a lot! — sar­casm). Oh and Asuka won’t kill whordes of angels.

Genesis Reborn — Live Action Sneak Preview January 27th, 2004

Some Evan­ge­lion Live Action news has arrived at last. ADV has announced details about the upcom­ing GENESIS REBORN DVD, con­tain­ing the last six episodes with extended footage. In Stores MARCH 9th. We can now also reveal that this DVD will con­tain an exclu­sive sneak pre­view of the live action movie.

Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion: Direc­tors’ Cut—Genesis Reborn ($29.98 SRP) includes episodes 24–26 in both director’s cut and orig­i­nal broad­cast ver­sions. In both Eng­lish 2.0-language and Japan­ese 2.0-language ver­sions, with Eng­lish sub­ti­tles. Includes ADV pre­views, clean open­ing ani­ma­tion; clean clos­ing ani­ma­tion; and sneak pre­view of the live-action movie:




HOUSTON, Feb­ru­ary 24, 2004—ADV Films today announced a March 9, 2004 release date for Gen­e­sis Reborn, the sec­ond of two Direc­tors’ Cut vol­umes of the enor­mously influ­en­tial animé series Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion. The Direc­tors’ Cut is not just a remas­ter, but a revised and re-edited spe­cial edi­tion pro­duced under the care­ful super­vi­sion of cre­ators Hideaki Anno and Gainax to include amaz­ing new footage never before avail­able out­side of Japan. The sec­ond vol­ume con­tains Evan­ge­lion episodes 24–26 in both the extended Direc­tors’ Cut ver­sions and the orig­i­nal broad­cast ver­sions, allow­ing fans to see the cre­ative pro­gres­sion of this sem­i­nal title’s final moments.

Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion is the story of a reluc­tant young hero, called upon to pilot an immense robotic weapon in bat­tle against alien invaders in the year 2015. As the rem­nants of the human race cower in sub­ter­ranean cities, a deadly war is being waged on what is left of the planet. On one side are the mys­te­ri­ous beings known as Angels; on the other, the spe­cial agency NERV and mankind’s last hope, the awe-inspiring Evan­ge­lions. Piloted by a spe­cial team of teenage war­riors, these giant bio-mechanical humanoids are the only thing that can with­stand the force of the Angels’ defense fields long enough for the pilots to tackle the invaders them­selves in hand to hand com­bat! With the lives of every soul on the planet at stake, these few young­sters must reach down deep inside them­selves to find the strength and courage nec­es­sary to meet the Angels head on in a des­per­ate attempt to save mankind.

Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion: Direc­tors’ Cut—Genesis Reborn ($29.98 SRP) includes episodes 24–26 in both director’s cut and orig­i­nal broad­cast ver­sions. In both Eng­lish 2.0-language and Japan­ese 2.0-language ver­sions, with Eng­lish sub­ti­tles. Includes ADV pre­views, clean open­ing ani­ma­tion; clean clos­ing ani­ma­tion; and sneak pre­view of the live-action movie.

Run­ning time: 150 min­utes; Age Rat­ing: 15+
Pre-book Date: 2/10/04
Street Date: 3/9/04
For­mat SRP
DVD $29.98

Genesis Reborn Information January 27th, 2004

Evan­ge­lion Gen­e­sis Reborn will be released on March 9th accord­ing to Animé on DVD.

Here is what the DVD’s cover will look like:

No indi­ca­tion of spe­cial fea­tures relevent to the Live Action Movie have been announced, how­ever the release is still awhile away, so it is pos­si­ble we may see some announce­ment closer to the DVD’s release.

Alot of peo­ple are con­fused about the num­ber of Episodes on the director’s cuts. There are only 4 director’s cut episodes (21–24). Episodes 25 and 26 were added because ADV adapted from the Japan­ese DVDs, which were slightly dif­fer­ent from the TV Mas­ters. How­ever, towards the end, ADV got ahead and couldn’t wait on the Japan­ese DVDs, and switched over to the TV Mas­ters for the last hand­ful of episodes, hence why 25 and 26 are being included, as they have slightly dif­fer­ent edit­ing and slightly dif­fer­ent eye catches and cred­its. These episodes are not director’s cuts, and do not include new scenes.

I spoke with Matt Green­field of ADV at Otakon 2003 at the ADV panel, and that was the answer he gave me, so if you’ve been curi­ous, there’s your answer.


New Image from the Japanese Issue of Newtype January 27th, 2004

Was sent this image in the post (also known as Email). It seems as though it appeared in the lat­est issue of New­Type (japan­ese edi­tion) along side one of the DVD con­cept art images. The bot­tom clearly states it’s an image cre­ated by Weta Work­shop, drawn by Greg Broad­more. I’ll let you start the rumors as to what it is.

Evangelion Movie Concept Art

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