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Evangelion Live Action

Evangelion Live Action Movie

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Update on current position June 23rd, 2004

The live action evan­ge­lion movie is cur­rently under­go­ing the process of choos­ing a direc­tor. Until this stage has been com­pleted, no cast­ing or final script will be made. Accord­ing to Animé Tourist, Gainax have approved a short list of direc­tors. These direc­tors will be approached and when nego­ti­a­tion is com­plete, the rest of the movie will get under­way (the excit­ing stuff). Await an ADV press release in the com­ing months.

Tiffany Grant revises previous statement May 21st, 2004

Maher Al-Samkari, author of “Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion: R” and “Faren: A Dragon’s Tale” posted the fol­low­ing on the Modus Pro­duc­tions online forum. It is a slightly more expan­sive and some­what more revised ver­sion of a state­ment pre­vi­ously made by Tiffany Grant, Eng­lish voice of Asuka, and wife of ADV co-founder Matt Green­field. In it she adressed a num­ber of issues, but mainly adressed the issue of qual­ity, assur­ing that these films will be done by WETA with painstak­ing care.

QUOTE:“As you can imag­ine, I have received a large num­ber of ques­tions inquir­ing about var­i­ous aspects of the announced live-action Evan­ge­lion movie. As I answered each ques­tion, I would add on to my ear­lier response, which is how I came up with this “arti­cle” on the sub­ject. I hope this will address your concerns.

First off, there are 26 TV episodes and two movies in the Eva library (not to men­tion the as yet unfin­ished manga series by co-creator Sadamoto). The first goal is to pro­duce a movie that encap­su­lates the most impor­tant ele­ments of the early part of the series so that the viewer will not have to have seen the afore­men­tioned 15 or so hours of video, and still leave room for one or two (maybe more?) fol­low up films that can fin­ish off the story.

The movie is being pro­duced jointly by Gainax (of course), ADV and WETA. If you are some­how NOT famil­iar with the WETA Work­shop, this is the incred­i­ble stu­dio founded by Peter Jack­son in New Zealand that cre­ated the Lord of the Rings films — for which they just won an unprece­dented num­ber of Acad­emy awards in a clean sweep of all cat­e­gories in which they were nom­i­nated. By watch­ing the fan­tas­tic doc­u­men­taries on the LOTR DVDs, you can get an excel­lent idea of the kind of atten­tion to detail that this group gives to every­thing they do.

Also, if you have read the LOTR, I think you will see that the char­ac­ters in that iconic tome have been very faith­fully brought to life. In fact, in a film adap­ta­tion of the sec­ond most read book in the Eng­lish lan­guage (the Bible is the first), it is pretty well unan­i­mously agreed that WETA got it exactly right. Bear­ing that in mind, I have every rea­son to have con­fi­dence that the same folks who hand glued every hair on each hob­bit foot, will do a spec­tac­u­lar job with our NGE heroes.

Keep in mind that WETA will not be doing this in a vac­uum either, as they will be super­vised by peo­ple at both Gainax and ADV (such as my hus­band, of course).

As for the “slug” names used in the pre­lim­i­nary script (NOT the final ver­sion!!!) which appear on the pro­duc­tion draw­ings, they are only used so as not to refer to them as “Pilot A” and “Cap­tain B” etc. As has been widely dis­cussed, the cast will be inter­na­tional, and mostly of Euro­pean descent. Mean­ing, for exam­ple, if Daniel Rad­cliffe (Animé Insider’s sug­ges­tion — NOT mine!) were to play the lead male role, it would be pretty stu­pid to call an ENGLISH boy “Shinji.” There­fore, “Kate Rose” for exam­ple is the name they are using for the designs is in place of “Pilot of 02″ or whatever.

As no actors have yet been cast, the pre-production draw­ings are sim­ply pic­tures that are drawn of imag­i­nary peo­ple in place of hav­ing a head­less body in a plug suit. The artists are try­ing to design what a real-life plug suit will look like, and it would seem eas­ier to do (and bet­ter to look at!) if the per­son also has a head. Remem­ber — we don’t know what the suits are even made of! Rub­ber? Plas­tic? Leather? The sketches are part of the early cos­tum­ing process, and I am quite cer­tain that when a direc­tor is found, he or she will seek out the best peo­ple for the roles. It seems quite doubt­ful that they would try to find a per­son to match a drawing.

It may also be of inter­est to note that there is a gen­uine desire to cast kids of the right age to play the main roles — NOT 22 year-olds to “play younger.” There­fore, it is dif­fi­cult to spec­u­late at this early stage on who will play these roles since it is not pos­si­ble to tell right now when prin­ci­pal film­ing will begin.

The show is in VERY early stages of pre-production, so noth­ing is final yet. ADV was just try­ing to share a lit­tle Eva good­ness with every­one by show­ing off some of the thou­sands of pro­duc­tion draw­ings that have been pro­duced. I think they are fab­u­lous, per­son­ally, and I eagerly await each new devel­op­ment in the project.

I believe you can all rest easy know­ing that the films will be every­thing and more that we ever thought they could be.”

Source: Modus Pro­duc­tions Online Forum

Weta’s Magi May 5th, 2004

Noth­ing really new on the live action movie recently, await­ing offi­cial announce­ments from ADV. How­ever, here is some infor­ma­tion about Weta you may be inter­ested in. The BBC has an arti­cle cov­er­ing the super­com­puter power that lies behind Weta Work­shop. If by count­ing the num­ber of proces­sors a super­com­puter has as a gauge of size; Weta has the third largest in the world — along­side an archive stor­ing 500 terrabytes of data.

For the com­plete arti­cle: http://​news​.bbc​.co​.uk/​2​/​h​i​/​t​e​c​h​n​o​l​o​g​y​/​3​6​7​2​8​8​7​.​stm
Thanks to Vin­cent Pham

Animé Boston Convention April 14th, 2004

Aint it Cool News has posted a report on the Boston Animé Con­ven­tion. With respect to the live action evan­ge­lion movie, ADV stated;

“The cur­rent sta­tus of the live action Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion movie is that a treat­ment has been cre­ated and now talks are under­way with poten­tial direc­tors. Because deci­sions regard­ing the movie must be approved by a num­ber of par­ties, news will unlikely be announced dur­ing con­ven­tions, and instead will come through offi­cial chan­nels and press releases.”

For the full report go here: AICN
Thanks to Shok Xone

Small Schedule Details April 11th, 2004

In a reply to an email ask­ing about the movie, Tiffany gave a few small extra details with respect to the sched­ule of the Live Action movie.

As we know, the movie is cur­rently in very early stages of pro­duc­tion. The main aim at this point seems to be find­ing a suit­able direc­tor to take on the project. Tiffany Grant goes on to state that it will be two to three YEARS before cast­ing takes place — so the actors they have in mind right now would have to be approx­i­mately twelve years old, so as to be the cor­rect age dur­ing filming.

Thanks to Saman­tha G

Upon email­ing Tiffany Grant about infor­ma­tion of cast­ing (I’m a 14 y/o girl who has received sev­eral com­pli­ments about my uncanny resem­b­lence to Rei), I received infor­ma­tion about the sched­ule laid out thus far. It is prob­a­bly all already known, but could serve as an update. It was received April 11, 2004:

The sta­tus of the live-action Eva movie is that it is cur­rently in very early stages of pre-production while a direc­tor is being found.  My best guess is that it will be two to three years before any cast­ing takes place, and it will be up to the direc­tor to decide where, when and how cast­ing will take place…

What I can tell you is that it is a strong desire at this point to cast actors that would be the cor­rect ages for the parts of the chil­dren.  There­fore, the actors who por­tray the roles of the three kids will be about twelve right now…

One of the impor­tant rea­sons for cast­ing kids the right age can be seen by watch­ing the Harry Pot­ter movies.  There was a film­ing delay, and the kids aged quite a bit more than they should have between the sec­ond and third years.

I am not sure how use­ful that will be to you, how­ever, you might find it inter­est­ing enough to post. Obvi­ously young Daniel Rad­cliffe will not be casted, then…

Saman­tha G

Evangelion Movie Poster — Fan Art March 31st, 2004

Im sure this will be pop­ping up and around the place in the future, claim­ing to be real. So right here and now — this is a fake, it’s also a very nice fake. The best fake so far. So good in fact it gets pride on this page.

Evangelion Fan Made Movie Poster
By Shok Xone Stu­dios — A tb forum member.

Full size ver­sion can be found here: http://​www​.deviantart​.com/​v​i​e​w​/​6​1​7​4​2​40/
There is also another poster he has cre­ated: http://​www​.deviantart​.com/​v​i​e​w​/​1​4​0​7​5​19/

Shok Says:
“Any­way, as part of my grand debut (or imme­di­ate flam­ing, whichever you pre­fer), I’d like to share some fan art­work that I’ve just fin­ished. Just my small part of what I’m sure we all hope the movie will be…that is, really really good. I fig­ure we should be see­ing some kind of pro­mo­tional art­work soon if the project really gets going, but just because I can’t wait that long, I went and beat the stu­dio to it.

The whole thing was made in Pho­to­shop. The EVA-01 head was made with the help of WETA’s draw­ings. Since there’s no cast and no direc­tor — and sur­pris­ingly not even a cred­ited writer(s) — I’ve made no attempt to include them in this teaser…except for Jen­nifer Con­nelly as the mod­est Mis­ato on the right.

This is actu­ally the sec­ond Eva movie poster I’ve made, but I wouldn’t rec­om­mend look­ing at my first try; I fin­ished it long before the real project was announced, and let’s just say that look­ing back, I’m a bit ashamed of my cast­ing choices.”

Live Action Concept Sketches Video March 17th, 2004

I decided to put some mys­te­ri­ous GITS music against it, it fits perfectly.

Live Action Movie IMDB page March 7th, 2004

IMDB has put up a page for the as of yet “Unti­tled Evan­ge­lion Project” with a pro­posed release date of 2005 (now 2006). The page cur­rently con­tains very few details, stat­ing merely that the film is in pre-production, and the genre is an “Action/Fantasy/Sci-fi”.
Keep your eyes on this page.

IMDB Evan­ge­lion Page

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