Movie Chronicles

Edwards Air Force base comment on Iron Man 2 filming June 2nd, 2009

Jon Favreau com­mented on the loca­tion in his tweets — here is a lit­tle con­fir­ma­tion from the base that Iron Man 2 filmed here, along with some pictures:

Scenes from the upcom­ing movie Iron­man II were filmed here May 11 through 13, with the sup­port of about 60 mem­bers of Team Edwards tak­ing part as extras and tech­ni­cal advisors.

The direc­tor, Jon Favreau said he was excited to return to Edwards for the sequel for the land­scape, but not for the way it looks but for the his­tory it pos­sesses and the pro­fes­sional Air­men and Marines here.

“All these real mil­i­tary assets make the movie more authen­tic and the topog­ra­phy and the beauty of the Desert and flight­line open the movie up,” he said. “But it’s the rich his­tory of the loca­tion and the deep roots it has with flight that gives Tony Stark and his father a pedi­gree in the aero­space industry.”

Huge Iron Man 2 set being constructed June 2nd, 2009

Com­ing Soon were sent some pic­tures of a con­struc­tion site bear­ing the ‘Rasputin’ work­ing title at the entrance. It all looks very big. You can find this at the foot of the Sepul­veda Dam in L.A.

Sam Raimi on undoing Spider-man mistakes in 4 June 2nd, 2009

Sam Raimi has offered up some minor updates on Spider-man 4 dur­ing his “Drag Me to Hell” pro­mo­tional inter­views. Speak­ing with Cin­e­mat­i­cal, Raimi says:

“I learn lessons on every sin­gle pic­ture I make,” he said. “I learned a lot on [Drag Me To Hell], about tim­ing, and that you don’t have to give up any char­ac­ter at the expense of hor­ror. It’s just an excuse that maybe I’ve used in the past. As far as Spider-Man, I’ve learned a lot of lessons about what peo­ple didn’t like and mis­steps that I’d made. But I learned those lessons on the pre­vi­ous two, I was just a lit­tle qui­eter about them. I made a lot of mis­takes, and it’s part of the rea­son I so want to make this next story of Peter Parker.”

Raimi con­tin­ued, “I really think I know in my heart who the char­ac­ter is, and I haven’t quite been able to sing the song yet, or bring it out to the extent or degree of detail that I feel in my heart that I can. And I may not be suc­cess­ful, but I still feel like I know it bet­ter than I’m able to play it; I feel like the kid that really prac­ticed at the piano recital, with years of comic books, and when I got to my other recitals, I some­times made some mis­steps with them. There’s a whole crowd there and they think that’s as well as I know the piece, but I really do know it a lot bet­ter than that and I would like one more chance at that char­ac­ter. The Spider-Man films, I’ve made mis­takes, but I really do look at them as things that I’ve learned, and hope that when I apply what I’ve learned to this next one, I really make a film that peo­ple enjoy and is really true to the char­ac­ter in a fresh, orig­i­nal way. That’s my goal.”

Akroyd provides Ghostbusters 3 updates: Female Ghostbusters June 2nd, 2009

Speak­ing with the LA Times, Dan Akroyd pro­vided a few updates on the Ghost­busters 3 project. He believes that Ivan Reit­man, direc­tor of I and II, is cur­rently too busy to take on the movie, and expresses an inter­est in see­ing his sec­ond choice, Harold Ramis, take it on. Cur­rent GB3 screen­writ­ers Lee Eisen­berg and Gene Stup­nit­sky recently worked on Year One with Ramis. Pro­duc­tion could begin by Win­ter ’09.

“I don’t put not mak­ing the third movie on Billy. We can’t do that. I’ve been very busy. Harold’s been busy, Ivan’s been busy. And a third script really didn’t coa­lesce prop­erly. And Billy, you can’t blame an artist for not want­ing to do the same thing again. He did two of them, for God’s sake. Although I’m the biggest cheer­leader as the orig­i­na­tor of the con­cept but I’ve never begrudged Billy not doing a third movie. I never said he held it up or that he refused. Hey, lis­ten, he’s an artist. You can’t force some­body into it. I’m sorry he never read my third draft because I thought it was pretty good but, look, now we’re at a point that there’s a story that he can accept and that’s going to work, and I think we’re going to be in pro­duc­tion fairly soon. We could be in pro­duc­tion by winter.”

Sto­ry­line — Akroyd says they are aim­ing for a five mem­ber ‘core’ crew, with more than one female. Some of his choices are Alyssa Milano and Eliza Dushku — nei­ther of which have been cast. Sigour­ney Weaver is now on board.

Download the MTV Awards Transformers 2 footage June 1st, 2009

The exclu­sive new Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen clip from the MTV movie awards is now online.

The clip shows us:
– Sam and Megan hid­ing from Decep­ti­cons
– Starscream, Long­haul (first proper look), Rav­age and oth­ers tear apart the city search­ing for them
– An insec­ti­con flies in through a whole, Sam catches it and squishes it but it’s already too late
– Starscream tears the roof off and Sam and Megan run

Down­load the MTV footage — 1280x res­o­lu­tion, MP4, 25mb


Ultra High Quality Transformers 2 promo shots June 1st, 2009

Here are nine ultra high res­o­lu­tion (~2,000 x 3,000 res) pro­mo­tional shots from Revenge of the Fallen — show­ing the auto­bots, Megan Fox, Shia and sol­diers; clock­ing in at just shy of 45mb in total.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox


Michael Bay presents new footage at BotCon ’09 June 1st, 2009

Dur­ing the Bot­Con awards Michael Bay pre­sented some new footage of the Trans­form­ers sequel. Seib­ertron described the new footage:

With our antic­i­pa­tion at its high­est level, the atten­dees of Bot­con roared into cheer as the first clip of the movie started. The footage started with John Tur­turro and Sam’s roo­mate in the mid­dle of a con­struc­tion zone look­ing on to a group of con­struc­tion vehi­cles sur­round them. The con­struc­ti­cons were revealed when Mix­mas­ters Decep­ti­con sym­bol is shown and Scav­enger begins to trans­form. At the same time the other con­struc­ti­cons move closer to form Devastator!!!

Scav­enger lit­er­ally forces all the other con­struc­ti­cons into the gestalt ala Scor­pion in Mor­tal Kom­bat [I think he means that “Come Here!” with chain grab move — ed]. Tuturro then runs with Sam’s roo­mate when the scene cuts to Sam and Mikaela run­ning from Rampage.

Ram­page begins chas­ing Sam’s father when Sam jumps in front of him to draw his atten­tion. Sam then says “Wait, it’s not them you want. It’s this, the MATRIX!” He then holds up an item and con­tin­ues to coax Ram­page when Bum­ble­bee arrives. The bat­tle begins.

Ram­page and Bum­ble­bee fight fero­ciously with Bum­ble­bee get­ting the bet­ter of Ram­page when Rav­age enters the fray. Using his hip can­nons he blasts Bee and jumps on his back. Bum­ble­bee then forces Ram­page to the ground when Ram­page lunges for Sam and takes Rav­age and tears him apart piece by piece.

Bum­ble­bee then rips Rampage’s arm off and decap­i­tates him.

‘Destiny’ TV Spot featuring ‘New Divide’ June 1st, 2009

Linkin Park’s offi­cial YouTube chan­nel has updated with a 30 sec­ond Trans­form­ers 2 TV spot with the track ‘New Divide’ play­ing over the top. No new footage though:

EDIT: Update with HD ver­sion of new TV Spot:

Or catch it on Vimeo.

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