Movie Chronicles

Bumblebee on campus June 15th, 2008

Prior to the Isabel Lucas shoot we saw yes­ter­day and the Bum­ble­bee skid, shoot­ing was tak­ing place at the Cas­tle fra­ter­nity — on cam­pus, “where the party’s at”, or some such.
TFW2005 have pro­vided pic­tures lead­ing up to this, show­ing Michael Bay, Isabel Lucas and Shia LaBoeuf prepar­ing for the scenes and tak­ing time out with some fans. I espe­cially like the shot of Shia tak­ing some time out to sign a toy Bum­ble­bee. Bum­ble­bee, the real thing, can also be seen under his cover — rather indiscreetly:

Report­ing to Powet​.tv, Josh Landow was there later that day to cap­ture video of Bum­ble­bee screech­ing away and pro­vide a report of the events that unfolded:

The frat house is known as The Cas­tle because it looks like a cas­tle. Bum­ble­bee was parked out front and they made it look like he was parked in the bushes. There was a huge light­ing screen over the car, and 2 giant light bal­loons (not sure how else to describe them) float­ing above the set.


The first shot was a bunch of well dressed good look­ing col­lege coeds walk­ing around to and fro with some of them seem­ingly con­verg­ing on the BB Camaro, say­ing things like “Wow! Cool car.”


Next shot was the most involved and took about 3 hours to shoot from every which way, with dif­fer­ent light­ing, and with slightly dif­fer­ent lines even. Shia and a few of the bit play­ers were def­i­nitely ad-libbing or at least tak­ing some lib­er­ties with the script. This shot con­sisted of Shia run­ning out of the party because BB’s alarm was going off. Like I said BB was parked in the bushes which gets Sam into some trou­ble with the frat boys who came run­ning after him ask­ing “Hey Fresh­man, is that your car parked in our bushes?” Sam replies “uh uh no, it’s a friend’s car — he went to get a new shirt” (or some­thing dumb like that — they kept chang­ing that line). Frat­boy responds “How about I park my foot up your ass?” Sam says “I’ll move the car now.” He gets in and has (fake) trou­ble clos­ing the door because of all the shrub­bery. It was hard to hear, but when he got inside the car, I think he said some­thing about Decep­ti­cons. And yes it took 3 hours to shoot this.


Then they moved the crowd back a good ways to shoot some more extras walk­ing about before finally get­ting to the scene that I knew had to be com­ing. Bum­ble­bee backs up and dri­ves away (as seen in my video). This was shot using Bay’s cam­era rigged Porsche Cayenne. I think they shot this like 4 or 5 times with the cars back­ing up to reset after each take

Gotham Times — Issue 3 out now June 14th, 2008

The third edi­tion of The Gotham Times is out now for your perusal, head­lin­ing with the title “Bat­man — Sav­ior or Men­ace?”, whilst also report­ing on Har­vey Dent’s “Land­slide win” and grass roots cam­paign scheme.

Thanks Tim and Pierre.

There’s also a new Har­vey Dent email, sent in by Zdravko:

If some­one were to tell me four months ago that Har­vey Dent was going to win by the biggest mar­gin in Gotham City his­tory, I would have directed him to Arkham Asy­lum. But that’s the big story today. Thanks to the incred­i­ble efforts of peo­ple like you, we have changed the fate of Gotham City.

Har­vey Dent won every precinct, every neigh­bor­hood, every demo­graphic, and every gen­der and age group. His sweep­ing vic­tory shows just how far the desire for real change goes in Gotham City.

This is not just Har­vey Dent’s vic­tory, it’s your vic­tory. You passed out fly­ers, ral­lied, marched, cre­ated polit­i­cal videos, and got out and voted. You made your voices heard. And today, the entire world can hear you. Today, “Take Back Gotham” is not just a slo­gan – it is a reality.

This is the last cam­paign email we’re send­ing out. Now, we turn our ener­gies to the hard job of fight­ing and win­ning the war on crime and cor­rup­tion. We’ll need your help – to keep the pres­sure up on the politi­cians, to show the crim­i­nals our will, and to sup­port Har­vey Dent’s crack­down on corruption.

Together, we will save Gotham City.

Allan Cypes
Media Manager

Isabel Lucas and Shia at UPENN Frat Party June 14th, 2008

Film­ing con­tin­ues at UPENN, this time it’s a frat party involv­ing Shia LaBoeuf and new­comer Isabel Lucas, TLAMB has pro­vided a set report which describes the in-doors scene via J Fuller:

I was in one of the party scenes. I had to get fit­ted with jeans and a but­ton down dress shirt, we all were and Shia was wear­ing dark jeans and a black but­ton down shirt. In the scene which they shot 3 times from dif­fer­ent angles Shia was sit­ting on a old wooden chair when this girl [Isabel Lucas] in a green short dress (who I thought was an extra) was danc­ing in front of him and kept lean­ing into him. That’s it for the scene I was in but there is a lot more to it.

Action then moved out­side, to a scene involv­ing Bum­ble­bee — Isabel (char­ac­ter named Alice?), leans into the car to speak with Shia, before stomp­ing away. It also looks like there is “green goo” involved, at least that’s the impres­sion you get from the pic­tures. A sec­ond scene with Bum­ble­bee in motion was also filmed — with the car per­form­ing a 180 degree skid to line up per­fectly with the build­ing entrance (Drexel main build­ing), Jszack got a great video of this scene:

These are some absolutely fan­tas­tic shots from zack­lur show­ing Michael Bay, Isabel Lucas and Shia up close:

Joker picture messages sent out, Gotham City Pizzeria June 13th, 2008

The Joker is tex­ting his cohorts, Bruce has sent us in the con­tent of his message:

I just got a text mes­sage on the Joker Phone that has a pic­ture that says “Memo­r­ial”. With the text, Group 2: Share this piece where *any* clown can find it.

Oth­ers have reported sim­i­lar mes­sages with images:

Group 1 images

Matador Mask55Mexican TrainMap

Some have sug­gested that Mex­i­can Train is a type of Domi­noes game.

Group 2 images

Group 3 images

All the first images relate to a type of Domino game.
All the sec­ond images are spelt with the same let­ters, as does the word “Com­mer­cial“
The frac­tions add up to 6/16

This all sug­gests: “Domi­nos Com­mer­i­cal on 16th June” — not sure what impor­tance that holds.

EDIT: GCN has updated — full Gotham Tonight show will be avail­able there on Mon­day, which is the 16th! Looks like that is the date to watch for.

Gotham City Pizze­ria, “pow­ered by Domi­nos pizza”


Harvey Dent wins in a landslide June 13th, 2008

I Believe in Har­vey Dent has updated, to announce that Har­vey Dent is vic­to­ri­ous in his cam­paign to become Gotham City’s dis­trict attor­ney. Was it likely any­one else would win?

Har­vey Dent wishes to thank all of the peo­ple of Gotham who helped turn a grass­roots move­ment into a resound­ing suc­cess on Elec­tion Day.

Har­vey Dent’s land­slide vic­tory means great things for the city of Gotham. Because of your belief in Har­vey Dent, Gotham now has a Dis­trict Attor­ney who will make war on crime and corruption.

The real work, how­ever, is just begin­ning. Har­vey Dent now moves on to City Hall, where every cor­rupt force will try to tie his hands and weaken the people’s will to destroy orga­nized crime and snuff out cor­rup­tion. The move­ment to take back Gotham still needs your help.

We hope you con­tinue your sup­port of Har­vey Dent. More than ever, he’s going to need every cit­i­zen on his side to ensure vic­tory over the destruc­tive forces that are wreak­ing havoc on our city.

Thanks Keith!

Gotham Tonight and new Trailer June 13th, 2008

These have just hit the Com­cast OnDe­mand service:

Dark Knight alter­na­tive trailer

Gotham Tonight with Mike Engel

Thanks Csam Cram!

New Video on GCN June 13th, 2008

Keith has writ­ten in to tell us that GCN has updated this morn­ing with footage of Har­vey Dent’s press cam­paign in the “Dent mobile”:

Watch video

You can’t take a walk in Gotham these days with­out see­ing the enor­mous out­pour­ing of sup­port for Har­vey Dent.

Lawn signs with the famil­iar slo­gan “Take Back Gotham” are vis­i­ble on almost every street in the neigh­bor­hood. Win­dow plac­ards look down upon almost every shop­ping district.

And every­where, you can see Dent sup­port­ers, young and old, of every color and back­ground, pass­ing out fly­ers and talk­ing to Gotham voters.

And it all started with a phone call.

Voting has ended June 12th, 2008

The Gotham Local Elec­tions have now ended as of June 13th, the results are being counted and shall be announced later today — pos­si­bly on the “Gotham Tonight” show?

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