Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Gotham Times — Issue 3 out now June 14th, 2008

The third edi­tion of The Gotham Times is out now for your perusal, head­lin­ing with the title “Bat­man — Sav­ior or Men­ace?”, whilst also report­ing on Har­vey Dent’s “Land­slide win” and grass roots cam­paign scheme.

Thanks Tim and Pierre.

There’s also a new Har­vey Dent email, sent in by Zdravko:

If some­one were to tell me four months ago that Har­vey Dent was going to win by the biggest mar­gin in Gotham City his­tory, I would have directed him to Arkham Asy­lum. But that’s the big story today. Thanks to the incred­i­ble efforts of peo­ple like you, we have changed the fate of Gotham City.

Har­vey Dent won every precinct, every neigh­bor­hood, every demo­graphic, and every gen­der and age group. His sweep­ing vic­tory shows just how far the desire for real change goes in Gotham City.

This is not just Har­vey Dent’s vic­tory, it’s your vic­tory. You passed out fly­ers, ral­lied, marched, cre­ated polit­i­cal videos, and got out and voted. You made your voices heard. And today, the entire world can hear you. Today, “Take Back Gotham” is not just a slo­gan – it is a reality.

This is the last cam­paign email we’re send­ing out. Now, we turn our ener­gies to the hard job of fight­ing and win­ning the war on crime and cor­rup­tion. We’ll need your help – to keep the pres­sure up on the politi­cians, to show the crim­i­nals our will, and to sup­port Har­vey Dent’s crack­down on corruption.

Together, we will save Gotham City.

Allan Cypes
Media Manager

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The Ha Ha Ha Times dis­graces issue 3 (Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chronicles) June 25th, 2008

[…] been await­ing this update since the arrival of the third issue of The Gotham Times, now The Ha Ha Ha times has updated to reveal a defaced and dis­graced Gotham Times edi­tions with […]