Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

GCN Updated — Batman Sightings, Gotham Tonight show June 16th, 2008

Gotham Cable News has updated, there is now a link to the Gotham City Pizze­ria (remem­ber today’s pro­mo­tion!), a sub­mit your sight­ings of Bat­man arti­cle and sub­mis­sion page and most impor­tantly, the high res­o­lu­tion, high qual­ity 8 minute “Gotham Tonight” video which orig­i­nally aired on friday.

Gotham Tonight Screen­shots:

Have You Spot­ted Bat­man in Your Neigh­bor­hood (Sub­mit Pic­tures):

We want your Bat­man pics. We just can’t cover the entire city with GCN pho­tog­ra­phers, so we’re ask­ing for cit­i­zens to sub­mit their pho­tos. Click here for sub­mis­sion page.

When­ever news breaks, GCN is there. We’ve cov­ered all the news you care about — from traf­fic tie-ups to police chases to scan­dal at City Hall.

One news tar­get is prov­ing elu­sive — Bat­man. Every­one is talk­ing about him — the cops, the crim­i­nals, even the kids on the play­ground seem to know all about this myth­i­cal hero.

But the infa­mous cru­sader seems to be quite camera-shy. In fact, GCN news oper­a­tives have not yet snapped one usable shot of this con­tro­ver­sial Gotham figure.

That’s why we need to ask you, the cit­i­zens of Gotham for help. Keep a look­out for the famil­iar dark sil­hou­ette of Bat­man. Remem­ber to carry a cam­era — dig­i­tal, film, cell-phone, or video — on your per­son at all time.

As Gotham City has learned, you can never know when Bat­man will decide to emerge from wher­ever he lurks between interventions.

We’ll post the best ones here on GCN. So get your flash­lights out and start cir­cling the block, because Bat­man is out there — you just have to find him.

Thanks Bruce and Keith!

Comments No Responses to “GCN Updated — Batman Sightings, Gotham Tonight show”

Keith June 16th, 2008

I won­der what they want addresses for again?

I still haven’t got­ten any­thing from voting.

Flynn June 16th, 2008

The Pizza site is doing some­thing with the pro­mo­tions now, does any­one know whats up?