Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

New Video on GCN June 13th, 2008

Keith has writ­ten in to tell us that GCN has updated this morn­ing with footage of Har­vey Dent’s press cam­paign in the “Dent mobile”:

Watch video

You can’t take a walk in Gotham these days with­out see­ing the enor­mous out­pour­ing of sup­port for Har­vey Dent.

Lawn signs with the famil­iar slo­gan “Take Back Gotham” are vis­i­ble on almost every street in the neigh­bor­hood. Win­dow plac­ards look down upon almost every shop­ping district.

And every­where, you can see Dent sup­port­ers, young and old, of every color and back­ground, pass­ing out fly­ers and talk­ing to Gotham voters.

And it all started with a phone call.