Movie Chronicles

New Prince of Persia movie footage May 10th, 2009

Our first exten­sive look at the Prince of Per­sia movie has come via ABC, in a fea­ture that inter­views PoP pro­ducer Jerry Bruck­heimer. The footage, which bears the text ‘this film is not yet rated’, could be the snip­pets of an unfin­ished trailer; it appears to be edited in a fash­ion that matches a trailer. We get to see Jake Gyl­len­haal train­ing to become the Prince, Ben Kings­ley, numer­ous shots of Jake bat­tling top­less, the expan­sive Moroc­can set and Gemma Arter­ton as Tamina.

“Great adven­ture and won­der­ful action“

Ben Kings­ley

Jake Gyl­len­haal as Dastan

Gemma Arter­ton as Tamina

Mor­ro­can Set

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and RDJ on Iron Man 2 set May 8th, 2009

On Loca­tion News have posted a selec­tion of overly water­marked ‘for sale’ paparazzi images from the lat­est Randy’s Donuts shoot. Due to the com­mer­cial nature of the images I can­not include them here, but I can give you guys the link and a screen­shot of the thumb­nails. This is our first look at Nick Fury in Iron Man 2, with the famil­iar eye patch and trench coat. There are also many more shots of Robert Downey Jr. in the Iron Man suit, one includes the hel­met being passed to him.

MAY 6th LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA **EXCLUSIVE** Robert Downey Jr. film­ing Iron Man 2. In this funny scene, Iron Man takes a dough­nut break in the hole of a giant dough­nut shop sign which is an LA land­mark. Samuel L. Jack­son as Nick Fury is below and ask Iron Man if he would like some cof­fee with his doughnuts.

Robot Heroes Devastator Toy May 8th, 2009

‘gojulasprime23’ is sell­ing the Robot Heroes ver­sion of Dev­as­ta­tor on auc­tion site eBay.

View auc­tion (cur­rently six days left and no bids)

Final Transformers 2 Poster May 8th, 2009

Yahoo have today released the final Trans­form­ers 2 poster. It depicts Shia and Megan Fox clutch­ing each other against a pyra­mid back-drop with Opti­mus Prime and Bum­ble­bee look­ing over them, with the Beth­le­hem Steel works in the top right.

Brett Ratner no longer directing Conan, new director sought May 7th, 2009

Brett Rat­ner, direc­tor of Rush Hour 1–3 and the deplorable X-Men: The Last Stand, has dropped off the Conan project because of sched­ul­ing con­straints. Pro­ducer Joe Gatta revealed the news to Empire:

“We’re cur­rently in the process of hir­ing a direc­tor. […] For the past six months we were dis­cussing the movie with Brett Rat­ner, and for more tim­ing issues than any­thing else we had to part ways with Brett. We all wanted him to do it, believe me; just the tim­ing didn’t work. But you never know what can happen.”

“We have a poten­tial start-date on Conan of August 24. And we’ll be shoot­ing in Bul­garia. I would say though the empha­sis is on Conan [rather than Red Sonja]. It’s our crown jewel here at the com­pany and that will be the leader. Red Sonja prob­a­bly won’t hap­pen until next year, as far as mak­ing it goes. So we want to launch Conan and rein­vent the fran­chise.“

When a direc­tor is hired an almost imme­di­ate open cast­ing call for Conan shall commence.

Green Lantern delayed six months until June 2011 May 7th, 2009

Mar­tin Campbell’s Green Lantern adap­ta­tion has been pushed back by six months, from Decem­ber 17th 2010 (announced in March ’09) to June 17th 2011. As far as we know, this has not affected plans to begin pro­duc­tion down under this fall. Rea­sons for the alter­ation haven’t been cited, some sug­ges­tions include more time for Campbell’s spe­cial effects or the WB’s new focus on the fran­chise — pitch­ing the big­ger project at a more com­pet­i­tive sum­mer block­buster date.

Green Lantern now appears to be in direct com­pe­ti­tion with the big 2011 releases; this move shines the Emer­ald light between the gaps cre­ated by Spider-man 4 and Marvel’s new­com­ers Thor and Cap­tain Amer­ica. Sum­mer 2011 looks like quite the super­hero overload.

Transformers 2 Video Game Trailer May 7th, 2009

A new Trans­form­ers video game trailer has been released, split into two halves, Auto­bot and Decep­ti­con respec­tively, we get our first glimpse of Dev­as­ta­tor, Ram­page, Black­out and more.

This also seems like an apt moment to fill you in on some fur­ther video game details. Gamestop recently updated their pre-orders page an in-turn the video game cover:

And IGN UK the Nin­tendo DS cover:

Robert Downey Jr. in the Iron Man suit May 7th, 2009

The set reports and pic­tures are start­ing to come in from Randy’s Donuts. From the scene, James told Col­lider on the phone:

My friend – let’s call him James — said that film­ing at the loca­tion lasted between 45 min­utes to an hour and there were tons of pro­duc­tion assis­tants and pro­duc­tion peo­ple around the set. That’s the rea­son why we don’t have a new pic­ture for this article…he never felt like he could take out his cam­era and get the shot.

Any­how, James said that he saw a stand in for Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark) on set and that he watched Nick Fury race up to the donut place in a blue gov­ern­ment car and he got out and walked to his right to get a bet­ter view of where Iron Man would be. The cam­era was on a crane. James said it appeared that Iron Man was going to be in the donut hole on the roof and that Nick Fury was yelling at him, but he couldn’t hear what he was saying.

He also reported that Sam Jack­son was in the same cos­tume as the end of the first film – a long black trench coat.

Iron Man sit­ting in the big donut? Here’s some con­fir­ma­tion via Peo​ple​.com:

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