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Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

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Even more Transformers 2 TV Spots, “Ancient Power”, “Everything”, “Bumblebee” June 17th, 2009

Ancient Power

I’d con­sider this one a bit spoi­ler­ish. Side­swipe attack­ing Side­ways quite viciously, “they’ve been here a long time”, Mega­tron on the pyramids.


Lit­tle new snip­pet of The Fallen in this one. “Don’t freak out!”


Lots more of Devastator’s transformation.

Listen to the Transformers 2 Soundtrack in full June 17th, 2009

Spo­tify is a desk­top appli­ca­tion that allows you to lis­ten to any music you like, when­ever you like, full albums if you wish — it’s legal and free. It has recently put online the Revenge of the Fallen sound­track so you can lis­ten to the whole thing through from New Divide to Cheap Trick!

Spo­tify Direct Lis­ten Link: ROTF Album
What is Spotify?

For those of you in the UK, the sound­track is already avail­able for pur­chase:
Trans­form­ers 2 Sound­track (£7.99, MP3)

And to high­light the awe­some­ness of Spo­tify, here’s the track I have on right now:
You Love Her Coz Shes Dead — Blood Lust

Transformers 2 technical facts and new Ravage pic June 17th, 2009

The offi­cial Michael Bay site has offered up some facts and fig­ures about Revenge of the Fallen, please beware of spoil­ers. Dev­as­ta­tor packs a punch of 390mph and he is one (or seven if you count the parts) of the 46 robots in the Trans­form­ers sequel.


* 14 robots last time, 46 robots this time (ILM only)
* If you had all the gold ever mined in the his­tory of man, you could build a lit­tle more than half of Dev­as­ta­tor.
* Opti­mus Prime will be life size on IMAX screens in many for­est fight shots.
* Devastator’s hand is trav­el­ing 390 miles per hour when he punches the pyra­mid.
* The pyra­mid destruc­tion sim­u­la­tion was 8 times big­ger than the old rigid sim­u­la­tion all-time record holder at ILM.
* All robot parts laid out end to end would stretch from one side of Cal­i­for­nia to the other, about 180 miles
* Devastator’s parts stacked tip to tip would be as tall as 58 empire state build­ings.
* If all the tex­ture maps on the show were printed on 1 square yard sheets, they would cover 13 foot­ball fields.

Disk space

* TF1 took 20 Ter­abytes of disk space. Trans2 took 145 Ter­abytes. Seven times big­ger!
* 145 ter­abytes would fill 35,000 DVDs. Stacked one on top of the other with­out stor­age cases, they would be 145 feet tall.

Ren­der­ing times

* If you ren­dered the entire movie on a mod­ern home PC, you would have had to start the ren­ders 16,000 years ago (when cave paint­ings like the Hall of Bulls were being made) to fin­ish for this year’s pre­mière!
* A sin­gle imax shot in the movie (df250) would have taken almost 3 years to ren­der on a top of the line home PC run­ning non­stop.
* IMAX frame ren­der times: As high as 72 hours per frame!


* Opti­mus Prime will be life size on IMAX screens in many for­est fight shots.
* Imax frames take about 6 times longer than anamor­phic to ren­der.
* IMAX frame ren­der times: As high as 72 hours per frame!

ILM screen time

ILM Screen Time is about 51 minutes.


* Dev­as­ta­tor is as tall as a 10 story build­ing.
* Dev­as­ta­tor has more than 10 times the num­ber of indi­vid­ual parts found in an aver­age car.
* Laid out end to end, Devastator’s parts would be almost 14 miles long.

Dev­as­ta­tor totals

* Num­ber of geom pieces: 52632
* The total num­ber of poly­gons: 11,716,127
* The total length of all pieces: 73090 feet
* The total length of all pieces: 13.84 miles

Skids concept art June 17th, 2009

TFG2 keep rolling out the awe­some look­ing con­cept art for Trans­form­ers 2. This time around it’s the ever goofy Skids char­ac­ter in his radioac­tive green.

Official Transformers 2 site updates — Wallpapers, Screensavers, Robotize Me June 17th, 2009

The offi­cial Trans­form­ers web­site has updated with links to all the assorted games, ban­ner cre­ators, fan art etc. Also included are new wall­pa­pers, buddy icons, screen­savers and the Sound­wave satel­lite mode nav­i­ga­tion we saw on the UK TF2 site.

Offi­cial Site

Trans­form­ers and Megan Fox Wallpapers


Bum­ble­bee (Mac)
Bum­ble­bee (PC)
Opti­mus Prime (Mac)
Opti­mus Prime (PC)
Starscream (Mac)
Starscream (PC)

Robo­t­ize Me

How­ever you make these robots, they always come out look­ing über geeky.

Visit Robo­t­ize me

Transformers 2 clip “We’re going to die” with sound June 17th, 2009

We recently posted the third exclu­sive BD Live clip, “We’re going to die”, but it had no sound, instead replaced by an atro­cious high pitched squeal. Here’s a quick update with proper audio via Trailer Addict. We’ll refrain from com­ment­ing on the irony of the title in com­bi­na­tion with the three sur­viv­ing (and com­ing out seem­ingly unharmed) what would ordi­nar­ily be a fatal crash.

Ice Cream truck and Arcee video reviews June 17th, 2009

As expected, the toy video reviews for the Mud­flap & Skids Ice Cream truck and the red Arcee motor­cy­cle have been posted by Peaugh. These two toys rep­re­sent the full scale of the Trans­form­ers 2 toy line — from awe­some must buy to the strange and odd (and ulti­mately pass).

Ice Cream truck


Revenge of the Fallen video game walkthroughs June 17th, 2009

Game trail­ers have posted two video game walk­throughs, firstly a three minute illus­tra­tion of the Deep Six level, in which you play as Starscream. Sec­ondly some of the mul­ti­player action.

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