Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Unofficial start date on June 2nd, says Lorenzo January 8th, 2008

Trans­form­ers 2 pro­ducer Lorenzo di Bonaven­tura has been speak­ing with the IESB, mainly about GI Joe, but there were some Trans­form­ers 2 tid­bits in there also:

IESB: Can you give us a quick update on Trans­form­ers 2. Is it still planned for shoot­ing in July of 08?

LDB: The sec­ond, June 2nd.

IESB: Is the story locked?

LDB: We’re nowhere because of the strike, we won’t know until we come back. We have a very fine out­line and we know exactly where we want go with the movie but until this writ­ers strike comes back, we’ll find out exactly where we are. Michael is com­pletely on top of every detail. He’s designed a lot of great stuff already. He’s got a lot of great sequences imag­ined but you know, he needs some writ­ers to work with before he’s ready to go, so I would say June 2nd is an unof­fi­cial start, it’s the tar­get date we’d like to go for but, you know, we’ve got to get some writ­ers to help us.

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