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Leaked Call Sheet reveals Major Spoilers June 6th, 2008

An anony­mous tip­ster has sent TFLAB the Beth­le­hem, PA Call Sheet (wiki) and with it some mas­sive spoilers.


To the top right of the image, it reveals that there are 84 film­ing days, not includ­ing sched­uled breaks, etc.


The break­down of the trans­port used dur­ing the shoot reveals 3 Arcee Motor­cy­cles, an Ice­cream Truck, Iron­hide, Stinger, Audi R8, 3 NEST Hum­mers, 2 Trikes, 10 ND Vehi­cles and an ND Semi, with Auto­bot dri­vers to be dressed in black.

Using the set descrip­tions, and loca­tion, it is obvi­ous that the area we have seen is being used as a steel pro­duc­tion yard — set in Shang­hai, China. The scene break­downs also reveal that the Ice­cream truck is a new robot — split­ting in two (“twins”) around chil­dren whilst leav­ing them treats (com­edy is back, excel­lent!). The Audi R8 is also a sus­pected Trans­former, though it is not revealed here — it is involved in a chase through alleys, escap­ing from The Twins. There is no men­tion of the aer­ial pur­suits we have seen in videos and images.

June 5th — 6th Schedule

Air and Space Museum

A sec­ond loca­tion, Smith­son­ian Air and Space Museum (Wash­ing­ton DC), has also been revealed in the Advance Shoot­ing Schedule.

Here a Decep­ti­con sym­bol is dis­cov­ered on an SR-71 Black­bird, before trans­form­ing into Jet­fire! There is also ref­er­ence to let­ting “Wheels” out, pos­si­bly another Transformer.

Bum­ble­bee and The Twins are also estab­lished in an alter­na­tive scene at a park­ing lot at the Sands Beth­works.


Filming at Air Force boneyard in Arizona June 6th, 2008

SHH are report­ing via “Space Duck”, that one of the next film­ing loca­tions, now that the four day Beth­le­hem shoot has com­pleted, may be at the Air Force bone­yard in Ari­zona, stat­ing that prepa­ra­tion for the shoot has begun as the Tus­con facility.

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Filming at Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia? June 6th, 2008

Slash Film have reported, via Jason X, that TF2 pro­duc­ers were scout­ing loca­tions with scale mod­els of Opti­mus Prime, Mega­tron and Star Scream:

My girl­friend works at East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary in the Fair­mount area of Philadel­phia. It was used as a prison from 1829 until 1971, and is now a his­tor­i­cal site and museum. Any­way, at the prison today pro­duc­ers for Trans­form­ers 2 were on site with scale mod­els of Mega­tron, Opti­mus Prime and Star Scream and were scout­ing film­ing loca­tions in cell block 1 and the prison kitchen. Just thought I’d let peo­ple know that film­ing should begin here soon.

TF2 to film at Pennsylvania June 12th June 5th, 2008

The Daily Penn­syl­van­ian reports:

Uni­ver­sity spokes­woman Lori Doyle explained that film­ing would ten­ta­tively begin around June 12 with scenes using the exte­rior of the Quad.

Accord­ing to Doyle, the exten­sive project is expected to involve about 200 peo­ple, 25 tractor-trailer trucks and cranes.

“They have their own land­scap­ing peo­ple, they bring in their own cater­ing, it’s a huge oper­a­tion,” she said.

In addi­tion, scenes will be shot at Psi Upsilon Tau fra­ter­nity house, bet­ter known as “The Cas­tle,” and pos­si­bly on Locust Walk and Spruce Street, Doyle said.

Direc­tor Michael Bay was Under­grad­u­ate Senior Vice-President of Wes­leyan University’s Psi Upsilon chap­ter dur­ing his time in college.

Penn’s Office of Uni­ver­sity Com­mu­ni­ca­tions was unable to divulge spe­cific plot ele­ments as the result of a non-disclosure agree­ment signed with Dream­Works Pictures.

Filming at a Steel Site May 19th, 2008

The Morn­ing Call have revealed that Bethlehem’s film­ing shall be at a steel works, a highly mech­a­nized and per­fectly suited backdrop:

Steel Works Filming Location for Transformers 2

Try to imag­ine giant, extrater­res­trial robots dis­guised as tractor-trailers on Route 22 or cam­ou­flaged among the tow­er­ing Beth­le­hem Steel blast furnaces.

A film crew from ”Trans­form­ers 2″ will bring those shape-shifting robots to life in south Beth­le­hem next month for a movie scene in front of the iconic furnaces.

Of course, no one will see the robots because they’re computer-generated. But any­one will be able to see the action at the old Steel site as the film­mak­ers trans­form it into a fic­tional Chi­nese city pop­u­lated by peo­ple from the Lehigh Val­ley.


The movie crew will film in Beth­le­hem dur­ing the first week of June and will use the blast fur­naces as the scene’s back­drop, Calla­han said.


Accord­ing to an announce­ment from Heery Cast­ing of Philadel­phia, the film­mak­ers hope to cast local ”Asian men and women, boys and girls, ages 7 [to] 65″ as paid extras in the movie. In par­tic­u­lar, the crew hopes to recruit extras of Asian descent who have mil­i­tary backgrounds.

Thanks locoexw!

Transformers 2 shooting in Jordan May 19th, 2008

Via Vari­ety and Jordan’s first pavil­lion at the Cannes film fes­ti­val, we have found out that Michael Bay plans to take TF2 to Jordan:

Jor­dan […] is join­ing the Mideast film gold rush with a num­ber of projects and ini­tia­tives designed to bol­ster the country’s film biz.

Paramount-DreamWorks has inked with the Jor­dan­ian Royal Film Com­mis­sion to film “Trans­form­ers 2” in the coun­try and Fox has scouted loca­tions in the coun­try for its bigscreen “The A-Team.” It is believed to be in dis­cus­sions for the action pic to lense there.

Shooting at University of Pennsylvania May 7th, 2008

/Film have been tipped off about a pos­si­ble film shoot at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia (Sam Witwicky will be in college):

I’m a stu­dent at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia and a few of my friends involved in stu­dent gov­ern­ment told me that Trans­form­ers 2 will be shoot­ing on cam­pus in one of the nicer fra­ter­ni­ties this sum­mer. Im guess­ing these scenes will involve Shia/Jonah at col­lege. Michael Bay was also seen on cam­pus a few weeks back, so I guess that sort of con­firms that the film will be par­tially shot here. Thought you might like to know.

Filming set for Philly and Bethlehem, PA April 27th, 2008

The Greater Philadel­phia Film Office have recently con­firmed, via KYW radio, that Trans­form­ers II will be shoot­ing their in the near future,

That’s just a pos­si­bil­ity still. “Dream of the Romans” has been shoot­ing. ‘Tenure”, “Happy Tears”, and “Marly and Me” are upcom­ing as is Trans­form­ers II. But won’t giant robots wreck the place????

“Ha, ha. Let’s just say the destruc­tion part is going to be dig­i­tally enhanced.”

The Philadel­phia Inquirer have hinted, giv­ing weight to some ear­lier rumors, that the Trans­form­ers sequel will be film­ing in the Beth­le­hem PA area:

Neat twist sur­round­ing the action movie Trans­form­ers 2, whose pro­duc­tion will be based in Philly for the bet­ter part of June. I hear that direc­tor Michael Bay and crew also will shoot in Beth­le­hem, Pa., which will dou­ble as a city in the Far East. (A twist in the notion of send­ing Amer­i­can jobs overseas.)

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