Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

It’s official, Megatron Returns February 22nd, 2009

“Mega­tron returns… keep it quiet”, quipped Roberto Orci on the TFW forums. This is our first offi­cial word that Mega­tron will in fact return in the sequel, although we have had an abun­dance of news, rumors and toys to sug­gest this is the case.

And just to back this up, here are some images of the Leader class Mega­tron Revenge of the Fallen toy, which come via Seib­ertron and The Arker.

The bio reads:

Rebuilt with parts can­ni­bal­ized from other Decep­ti­cons, Mega­tron rises once again to lead his army. Though the AllSpark destroyed him once, he can now feel its power cours­ing through his cir­cuitry. It calls him to seize his right­ful place as ruler over the puny planet on which he was impris­oned and destroyed, and from which he will launch his con­quest of the uni­verse. Opti­mus Prime is all that stands between him and vic­tory, and the Auto­bot leader has done a poor job of hid­ing him­self. At long last, Mega­tron knows exactly where his enemy is, and he has power enough to destroy him.