Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Princeton images and video June 23rd, 2008

Yes­ter­day film­ing began at Prince­ton. Scott has pro­vided this set report:

I work in Prince­ton and just watched the TF2 crew crash a sil­ver Sat­urn Astra into the installed lamp­post on the cor­ner of Wash­ing­ton Road and William Street around 2 p.m. today. Before the crash itself they ran a few “test crashes,” where the stunt dri­ver screeched to a halt a foot or two before hit­ting the post, with the cam­era (on a boom) fol­low­ing the action from above. The actual crash knocked the ground-level cover off the post and ripped off the car’s front bumper. After the crash the dri­ver backed up slightly, then drove for­ward again for a few feet with the bumper under the front wheels, then stopped, opened the driver’s side door, and fell to the ground. After the shot was over, the dri­ver put the bumper in the car’s back­seat and drove the car down Wash­ing­ton Road (headed south), and as it passed me I could see that the front wind­shield had a hole the size of a base­ball in it (with the appro­pri­ate spi­der web­bing pat­tern in the sur­round­ing glass). I’m not sure if that was there before the crash or not (I was about two blocks away from the crash itself). Accord­ing to one of the PA’s the next shot won’t hap­pen until tonight, though she didn’t say where.

Shia Film­ing at Princeton:

A bar­rage of images have also been unloaded onto the inter­net by BP, JD, JFuller, Cheese­burger and Mike:

Scott’s images:

Con­tribut­ing source: TLAMB