Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Luxor Transformers 2 ad completed June 23rd, 2009

The huge Trans­form­ers 2 ad that now cov­ers the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas has been com­pleted in time for the movie’s release. Here’s what the final prod­uct looks like:

Chinese Transformes fans take to the streets June 23rd, 2009

A con­voy of yel­low and black striped cars led the way through Beijing’s streets as fans cel­e­brated the release of Revenge of the Fallen. The event was orga­nized by Autohome.

Arcee, Chromia and Demolisher concept images June 22nd, 2009

Straight away we have some more from TFG2. The Demol­isher con­cept is incred­i­ble, and the Arcee motor­cy­cles look equally spunky.

Megatron concept images June 22nd, 2009

TFG2 have posted a set of con­cept art for the Trans­form­ers 2 ver­sion of Megatron:

Transformers 2 TV Spot 20 — Sideswipe transformation June 19th, 2009

This TV Spot con­tains some spoil­ers as to one character’s des­tiny — how­ever it also intro­duces Side­swipe, show­ing his trans­for­ma­tion from the Corvette and his slip and slide tech­nique in full. Embed­ding on the video is dis­abled, but you can catch it in HD on YouTube.

Transformers 2 stills released including Optimus Prime and the Sphinx June 19th, 2009

A set of new images has recently been released to the press, here’s a quick run down of them from a vari­ety of sources. Prime stand­ing in front of the Sphinx looks awe­some, as do the twins cov­ered in sand whilst look­ing aghast.

From USA Today

From GM’s Autobot’s site

Even more Transformers 2 TV Spots, “Ancient Power”, “Everything”, “Bumblebee” June 17th, 2009

Ancient Power

I’d con­sider this one a bit spoi­ler­ish. Side­swipe attack­ing Side­ways quite viciously, “they’ve been here a long time”, Mega­tron on the pyramids.


Lit­tle new snip­pet of The Fallen in this one. “Don’t freak out!”


Lots more of Devastator’s transformation.

Skids concept art June 17th, 2009

TFG2 keep rolling out the awe­some look­ing con­cept art for Trans­form­ers 2. This time around it’s the ever goofy Skids char­ac­ter in his radioac­tive green.

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