Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Possible Revenge of the Fallen poster June 30th, 2008

EDIT: This has been con­firmed a fake.

Seib­ertron have posted a cam­era phone shot of what looks like a Revenge of the Fallen poster, though it is blurry and hard to make out. It is most likely a fake, but on the small off chance that it is not, I have posted it here:

The text at the top seems to read “… begins”. The auto­bot in the fore­front is quite clearly one that we have not seen before, yet it is also dif­fi­cult to identify.

Via /Film

Comments One Response to “Possible Revenge of the Fallen poster”

Tequi­lero July 1st, 2008

In my opin­ion it looks quite obvi­ous that the word “inva­sion” is before the “begins” at the top, stat­ing “inva­sion begins”.

At least the theme go´s pretty well with the leaked script, with starscreams and sound­waves teams com­ing to earth, I would call that an inva­sion for sure.