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Even more Transformers 2 TV Spots, “Ancient Power”, “Everything”, “Bumblebee” June 17th, 2009

Ancient Power

I’d con­sider this one a bit spoi­ler­ish. Side­swipe attack­ing Side­ways quite viciously, “they’ve been here a long time”, Mega­tron on the pyramids.


Lit­tle new snip­pet of The Fallen in this one. “Don’t freak out!”


Lots more of Devastator’s transformation.

Three more Transformers 2 TV Spots — HD Kitchen Bots June 16th, 2009

Space Moms

This is a high qual­ity HD ver­sion of the TV Spot we put up ear­lier today. Being in HD we can get a good look at some of the kitchen-bots that come alive when there’s an acci­dent with the AllSpark.


Evolved shows a bit more of the small ball bear­ing bots and Ravage.

Save the world

“They’re search­ing for Sam!”

Purple Arcee bike concept art June 16th, 2009

TFG2 have released another con­cept image, this time of the pur­ple Arcee motor­cy­cle in a great pose. The text on the left arm reads ‘Agusta’ along with a brand image — aka its based on an Agusta motorcycle.

Rampage and Sideways concept art June 14th, 2009

TFG2 have released another set of Trans­form­ers 2 con­cept art, this time we have the Audi R8, “Side­ways” and the bull­dozer “Rampage”.



Three more Transformers 2 TV Spots, some Arcee & Ironhide. June 12th, 2009

The two videos we showed you just now are named “Drums” and “Stomp”. Next up are three new Revenge of the Fallen TV spots, pre­sum­ably aimed at kids given their titles and nature.

Let’s roll kids

Team Kids

Lots of new snip­pets in this one:

I’ve also noticed that the pyra­mids are start­ing to look a bit more weird, more arti­facts rotat­ing around them and a gap­ing hole at the top:

Adven­ture Kids

Soundwave Satellite mode and Transformers 2 robot auditions June 11th, 2009

Para­mount Pic­tures UK have updated with some inter­est­ing and fun Trans­form­ers good­ies for us to pick out.

Sound­wave Satel­lite mode

The offi­cial UK Revenge of the Fallen site reveals Soundwave’s satel­lite mode in ren­dered CG form:

And Gen­eral Tekno over at TLAMB has man­aged to extract the clean ver­sion for us all:

Revenge of the Fallen Robot auditions

Five robot audi­tions (e.g. a drill and a George Fore­man grill) have been posted in jest, the video embed­ding doesn’t seem to be work­ing cor­rectly so I rec­om­mend you check them out on the PPUK site: TF2 Robot Auditions

Trans­form­ers 2 Wallpapers

A 1920x res­o­lu­tion of the standee is also avail­able for download:

More Transformers 2 movie stills, Devastator and Bumblebee June 6th, 2009

A new set of screen­shots from The Revenge of the Fallen has sur­faced, show­ing Bum­ble­bee in var­i­ous states of stress, Opti­mus Prime with swords out and Dev­as­ta­tor in the desert. Each of the images can be clicked for a higher res­o­lu­tion version.

The Fallen concept art June 2nd, 2009

We’ve just seen the Trans­form­ers 2 movie ren­der­ing, and we’ve also seen the toys and CG mod­els, now for some­thing slightly dif­fer­ent, one of the orig­i­nal con­cept designs for The Fallen:

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