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High Resolution Fallen pic from Transformers 2 June 2nd, 2009

The exclu­sive Fallen image that MTV released recently is now avail­able at a higher res­o­lu­tion. Click the image for the full version:

The Fallen revealed in detail, Shia talks Transformers 2 June 1st, 2009

MTV have the exclu­sive on a new Fallen image, show­ing the char­ac­ter, for the first time, in detail. They’ve also posted a video inter­view with Shia which I have embed­ded below. Said video also includes a look at the Fallen.

Shia explains Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen

Concepts of Jetfire & Optimus Prime combined & Mixmaster May 28th, 2009

From those that brought us the Scrap­per con­cept are, we get the most excel­lent con­cept images of Jet­fire and Opti­mus Prime com­bined and a Mix­mas­ter bonus!

And for a lit­tle bit more of Power-up Opti­mus Prime, the pre­quel cover fea­tures a great artis­tic shot stand­ing over a fallen Megatron:

Legends class Devastator pics, Overload in detail May 28th, 2009

A few more pic­tures of the Leg­ends class Dev­as­ta­tor toy have sur­faced via ACToys, this is the ver­sion that com­bines seven vehi­cles into one robot, as well as each vehi­cle hav­ing its own robot mode. This also our first good look at Over­load that bears some resem­blance to Long Haul.

Scout class ‘Ejector’ toy May 28th, 2009

A toy named ‘Ejec­tor’, with a toaster alt mode has sur­faced. This char­ac­ter prob­a­bly only fea­tures in the movie for a very short time, in the kitchen-appliance mishap scenes we’ve read about in the col­or­ing book and novelizations.


Born mind­less and dri­ven by the heat puls­ing in his tiny body, Ejec­tor knows noth­ing but how to burn. Even when he was a sim­ple toaster burn­ing things was what he did best. Now that he’s got a sim­ple mind of his own, and flamethrow­ers to go with it, he lives to torch every­thing around him.

Supreme Devastator in packging with bio May 28th, 2009

ACToys have posted new shots of the Supreme class Dev­as­ta­tor in its box, com­plete with bio. This is the $100 ver­sion that com­bines six dif­fer­ent vehi­cles into one robot, the vehi­cles do not have their own robot modes. This toy does not fea­ture the sev­enth con­struc­ti­con, Overload.

Dev­as­ta­tor Bio

The ulti­mate Decep­ti­con weapon has arrive on Earth and noth­ing will ever the same. Con­struc­ti­con Dev­as­ta­tor is the biggest robot ever — tow­er­ing above Auto­bots and Decep­ti­cons alike. As his Vor­tex Grinder snaps open and glows with power, all before him quake in fear, know­ing their destruc­tion is inevitable!

Skids and Mudflap head CG renders May 28th, 2009

ACToys have posted two CG ren­ders of the twins, Skids and Mud­flap. Not sure where these came from, but they give us a grue­some look at the goofy toothed characters:

Sideways and Bumblebee CG, new TF2 on set shots May 28th, 2009

Michael Bay’s offi­cial site has posted some new CG shots, includ­ing our first look at Side­ways (the Audi R8). The ren­ders are slightly dif­fer­ent to the ones seen pre­vi­ously, these are more likely to be from the video game:

Side­ways CG Renders

Bum­ble­bee CG Renders

New on set images

Bay’s site have also posted new shots from the set of Trans­form­ers 2, show­ing Shia and Bay work­ing together:

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