Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers & Robot modes

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Jetfire and Optimus Prime combined May 17th, 2009

We’ve seen key chains and small grainy images of Jet­fire com­bin­ing with Opti­mus Prime, now we have our first detailed look at the com­bined leader class toys:

Voyager class Long Haul gallery May 14th, 2009

After see­ing his alt mode, TF08 have now posted a full gallery show­ing Long Haul’s most excel­lent robot form:

Devastator Combiner (Legends), seventh Constructicon, Ravage review May 12th, 2009

Dev­as­ta­tor Combiner

Here’s a toy we’ve been wait­ing for for some time, the seven (Scav­enger, Scrap­per, High­tower, Long­haul, Ram­page, Over­load and Mix­mas­ter) leg­ends class Con­struc­ti­cons (each with an alt mode and robot mode) com­bine to form Dev­as­ta­tor. This is our first look at the sev­enth Con­struc­ti­con ‘Over­load’, part of Devastator’s back­bone. We also see a scor­pion like robot mode for the crane, Devastator’s left arm.

Rav­age Review

Peaugh shows off his Rav­age toy, call­ing the rather point­less re-entry mode a “folded up cat with wings”.

9 New Transformers 2 Wallpapers May 11th, 2009

Has­bro have updated their site with nine new Revenge of the Fallen wall­pa­pers at 1280x1024, 1024x768 and 800x600 resolutions.


Ice Cream truck, Arcee, Jolt toys and many more! May 5th, 2009

New images of the Ice Cream truck, Arcee, Rav­age, Jet­fire, Jolt and more have appeared on the Wal­mart web­site, unearthed by “Heat Guy”. Here are a few of the highlights:

Ice Cream Truck Twins

Skids and Mud­flap com­bine to form the Ice Cream truck alt mode:






These next char­ac­ters may not appear in the movie:

Blaze Mas­ter

Dead End


(aka a red Sideswipe)

Thanks for the heads up R.

Transformers 2 final trailer released online in HD April 30th, 2009

The offi­cial Trans­form­ers 2 final trailer is now avail­able at Yahoo in high def­i­n­i­tion and sub­se­quently YouTube:

View trailer in high definition


Click for huge 2000 pixel versions!

Megan Fox look­ing sexy on a bike

Megan Fox looking hot on a Bike in Transformers 2

The Fallen

Con­struc­ti­cons res­ur­rect­ing Megatron


Mega­tron and Decepticons

Opti­mus Prime bat­tling Black­out, Mega­tron and Starscream



Plot related images

Trailer descrip­tion

- Opens with Sam telling Bum­ble­bee he’s not com­ing to col­lege
– “Look at this place, I feel smarter already”, Sam’s par­ents at col­lege
– Sexy pan­ning shot of Megan Fox strad­dling a bike
– Sam has a ‘men­tal melt­down’ in the mid­dle of his class (as reported from the Prince­ton film­ing), see­ing sym­bols, mark­ing them into the ground
– Sam meets Opti­mus in a ceme­tery (cemetary film­ing set report)
– More of Bum­ble­bee and the Twins in the dessert, some of that GM promo footage too
– Find­ing the sym­bols on some­thing ancient, pre­sum­ably behind that paint­ing
– Mega­tron returns! We see him ris­ing from the depths of the ocean and ris­ing up behind Megan Fox
– “Mega­tron wants what’s in my mind“
– “Fate rarely calls on us at a moment of our choos­ing“
– We see Sam and Mikaela jump­ing rooftops with Ram­page behind them
– Bum­ble­bee ducks a swing­ing arm from Demol­isher or Ram­page
– Explo­sions in a library
– Sil­ver Sat­urn Astra (as seen at Prince­ton) fly­ing through the air with pre­sum­ably Shia falling out and Megan Fox call­ing after him
– Opti­mus Prime attack­ing the char­ac­ter with rotor blades on his back, pos­si­bly Black­out
– Prime fly­ing through the air after Mega­tron attacks him
– Bricks float­ing in cir­cles around one of the pyra­mids, F-16s fly past, Dev­as­ta­tor climbs up the side of the pyra­mid (same angle on the pyra­mid as seen in the offi­cial shots)
– Jet­fire stoops down
– Dev­as­ta­tor crushes a vehi­cle before he starts suck­ing up sand with his giant vor­tex mouth
– We see a robot, pos­si­bly Mud­flaps, being sucked towards the vor­tex
– Ratchet can be seen behind one of the tanks in the desert

New Transformers 2 Trailer leaks early! April 29th, 2009

UPDATE: Final Trans­form­ers 2 Trailer released in HD
See also our in depth analy­sis of the trailer with high qual­ity screen­shots of all the key scenes, robots and Megan Fox.

A grainy in-theater ver­sion has leaked early, given the qual­ity of these things, this one is pretty watch­able. Lots of new footage and a lot more of the sto­ry­line in this trailer. Includ­ing a shot of Dev­as­ta­tor climb­ing up a pyra­mid.

Down­load the trailer

UPDATE: Chang­ing video source to one that works, though sound is out of sync:

or alter­na­tively:

Trailer descrip­tion

- Opens with Sam telling Bum­ble­bee he’s not com­ing to col­lege
– “Look at this place, I feel smarter already”, Sam’s par­ents at col­lege
– Sexy pan­ning shot of Megan Fox strad­dling a bike
– Sam has a ‘men­tal melt­down’ in the mid­dle of his class (as reported from the Prince­ton film­ing), see­ing sym­bols, mark­ing them into the ground
– Sam meets Opti­mus in a ceme­tery (cemetary film­ing set report)
– More of Bum­ble­bee and the Twins in the dessert, some of that GM promo footage too
– Find­ing the sym­bols on some­thing ancient, pre­sum­ably behind that paint­ing
– Mega­tron returns! We see him ris­ing from the depths of the ocean and ris­ing up behind Mega nFox
– “Mega­tron wants what’s in my mind“
– “Fate rarely calls on us at a moment of our choos­ing“
– We see Sam and Mikaela jump­ing rooftops
– Bum­ble­bee ducks a swing­ing arm from Demol­isher
– Explo­sions in a library
– Sil­ver Sat­urn Astra (as seen at Prince­ton) fly­ing through the air with pre­sum­ably Shia falling out and Megan Fox call­ing after him
– Opti­mus Prime attack­ing the char­ac­ter with rotor blades on his back, pos­si­bly Black­out
– Prime fly­ing through the air after Mega­tron attacks him
– Bricks float­ing in cir­cles around one of the pyra­mids, F-16s fly past, Dev­as­ta­tor climbs up the side of the pyra­mid (same angle on the pyra­mid as seen in the offi­cial shots)
– Jet­fire stoops down
– Dev­as­ta­tor crushes a vehi­cle before he starts suck­ing up sand with his giant vor­tex mouth
– We see a robot, pos­si­bly Mud­flaps being sucked towards the vortex

Mixmaster packaging, battle-mode and bio April 26th, 2009

Mixmaster’s toy pack­ag­ing fea­tures a bio and pic­tures of all three toy modes — alt, robot and battle.

Res­i­dent chemist and explo­sives expert for the élite among the Decep­ti­cons, Mix­mas­ter has spent his entire life learn­ing all there is to know about chem­i­cal inter­ac­tion. He can make thou­sands of poi­sons, explo­sives, and deadly gasses from the mate­ri­als around him. The other Decep­ti­cons rely on him to fash­ion pow­er­ful war­heads for their mis­siles, and dan­ger­ous ven­oms in which to coat their blades.

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