Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Mixmaster packaging, battle-mode and bio April 26th, 2009

Mixmaster’s toy pack­ag­ing fea­tures a bio and pic­tures of all three toy modes — alt, robot and battle.

Res­i­dent chemist and explo­sives expert for the élite among the Decep­ti­cons, Mix­mas­ter has spent his entire life learn­ing all there is to know about chem­i­cal inter­ac­tion. He can make thou­sands of poi­sons, explo­sives, and deadly gasses from the mate­ri­als around him. The other Decep­ti­cons rely on him to fash­ion pow­er­ful war­heads for their mis­siles, and dan­ger­ous ven­oms in which to coat their blades.