Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers re-release and new trailer RSVP April 26th, 2009

Para­mount Pic­tures have released the RSVP details for the the­aters show­ing the Trans­form­ers re-release and brand new accom­pa­ny­ing Trans­form­ers 2 trailer. The flier pro­vides a list of RSVP email addresses and sug­gests that by email­ing them you can reserve a seat. This is not the case. To grab a ticket you must turn up at the the­ater as early as pos­si­ble, to guar­an­tee a seat — the addresses are used to deter­mine pop­u­lar­ity, as TLAMB discovered.

There shall also be a cos­tume com­pe­ti­tion — the best dressed Auto­bot or Decep­ti­con shall win a trip to the pre­mière in Los Angeles.

Thanks for the RSVP for the spe­cial screen­ing of TRANSFORMERS. The screen­ing is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY, as this RSVP is to estab­lish an accu­rate head count and does not guar­an­tee seat­ing. No one will be admit­ted once the screen­ing begins.

Come to the screen­ing dressed as the coolest/most creative/awesome Trans­former ever and be entered to win a trip to the Pre­mière in Los Angeles!!!!

Trans­form­ers re-release locations

Los Ange­les: 7pm at The Bridge Cin­ema De Lux, in IMAX
New York: 8pm at AMC Loews Lin­coln Square in IMAX
San Fran­cisco: 7pm at AMC Metreon in IMAX
Chicago: 8pm at Navy Pier in IMAX
Toronto: 7pm at Sco­tia­bank in IMAX
Philadel­phia: 7pm at UA King of Prus­sia in DIGITAL
Wash­ing­ton DC: 7pm at AMC George­town in DIGITAL
Dal­las: 7pm at Stu­dio Movie Grill Royal Lane in 35MM
Boston: 7pm at AMC Boston Com­mon in 35MM
Phoenix: 7pm at Harkins Tempe Mar­ket­place in Tempe in DIGITAL
Seat­tle: 7pm at Cin­erama in 35MM
Atlanta: 7pm at Regal Atlantic Sta­tion in 35MM
Miami: 7pm at AMC Sun­set in South Miami in 35MM
Detroit: 7pm ar Emag­ine Novi in Novi, MI in DIGITAL
San Diego: 7pm at Regal Edwards Mira Mesa in 35MM
Den­ver: 7pm at UA Col­orado Cen­ter in 35MM
Sacra­mento: 7pm at UA Mar­ket Square in 35MM
Orlando: 7pm at Pre­mière Fash­ion Sq Mall in DIGITAL
Min­neapo­lis: 7pm at AMC South­dale in Edina in 35MM
Bal­ti­more: 7pm at AMC White Marsh in 35MM