Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Skids & Mudflaps, Concession Cups, Ratchet Bio April 26th, 2009

Con­ces­sion Cups

Col­lider were snap­ping shots on the ShoW­est con­ven­tion floor, included in their round up are Trans­form­ers 2 con­ces­sion cups fea­tur­ing Bum­ble­bee, Mega­tron, Opti­mus Prime and Starscream.

Ratchet Bio

Rac­ing across the dunes of the north­ern Sahara Desert, the roar of this engine echo­ing off the ever-shifting dunes, Auto­bot Ratchet charges toward the inevitable con­fronta­tion with Mega­tron and his assem­bled Decep­ti­con army. Though he has bat­tled against odds this bad in the past, no fight before has meant so much. He knows the fate of the uni­verse rests on the out­come of this con­flict, and he will do every­thing in his power to see to it that his allies come through it safe and victorious.

Skids & Mudflaps

TF08 have posted some close up shots of TF2’s mech­a­nized Jar Jar Binks buck toothed twins toys; Skids and Mudflaps.