Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Scout class ‘Ejector’ toy May 28th, 2009

A toy named ‘Ejec­tor’, with a toaster alt mode has sur­faced. This char­ac­ter prob­a­bly only fea­tures in the movie for a very short time, in the kitchen-appliance mishap scenes we’ve read about in the col­or­ing book and novelizations.


Born mind­less and dri­ven by the heat puls­ing in his tiny body, Ejec­tor knows noth­ing but how to burn. Even when he was a sim­ple toaster burn­ing things was what he did best. Now that he’s got a sim­ple mind of his own, and flamethrow­ers to go with it, he lives to torch every­thing around him.

Comments One Response to “Scout class ‘Ejector’ toy”

Laun­dry Sorter November 16th, 2010

kitchen appli­ances should be always cleaned after use to pre­vent the growth of microbes ‘~;