Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Sequel will be “Self Contained” June 6th, 2008

In speak­ing with MTV, Michael Bay has stated that Trans­form­ers 2 will not fol­low suit with recent trilo­gies and sequels — it will not be a film that promises a lot before leav­ing you wait­ing for a third movie and con­se­quent resolution:

“You know how those sequels they do the sec­ond one so you go see the third one? [“Trans­form­ers 2”] is it,” he said, indi­cat­ing that “2” would be its own story free from the duel shack­les of set-up or res­o­lu­tion. “First one was just intro­duc­ing, set­ting up stuff, so we can go a lot far­ther. Let’s just say [this] is not a lame sequel.”

If “Trans­form­ers” was all about intro­duc­tion, then “Trans­form­ers 2” will be all about esca­la­tion, with reports that upwards of 20 robots will do bat­tle in the block­buster sequel. But for Bay, it’s not the num­ber of robots present, but how they’ll be more fully and indi­vid­u­ally real­ized that has him excited, he said.