Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Fox and Rainn talk Revenge of the Fallen July 21st, 2008

AICN’s Quint has had a chance to speak with Rainn Wil­son, and in the con­ver­sa­tion the topic of Trans­form­ers 2 appro­pri­ately popped up along­side work­ing with Michael Bay:

Quint: So what are you work­ing on now? You have some stuff com­ing up?
Rainn Wil­son: Well, I just did a very small cameo in TRANSFORMERS 2.

Quint: Cool.
Rainn Wil­son: That was kind of a blast. I got to work with Michael Bay and I was a big fan of TRANSFORMERS.

Quint: I spent a few days on the set of the first movie and some­thing I noticed was that Michael Bay, I think he has an AD, but he doesn’t need one.
Rainn Wil­son: He does every­thing himself.

Quint: He does every­thing and he’s not afraid to be the task mas­ter on a set.
Rainn Wil­son: I saw him and he was lit­er­ally giv­ing the focus puller notes. The focus puller was like “No, you have to do it like this…” and Michael Bay is like “No no no, do it like this and hook this here and you can turn this here and you can get the focus this way…” Some­how I believed Michael Bay knew more than the focus puller. He even ran cam­era a cou­ple of times. He did his own cam­era work.

Quint: That must have been fun. I don’t imag­ine that you are in any scenes with any robots, but it would still be fun.
Rainn Wil­son: No, I wish I would have had scenes with explo­sions, but yeah the only other thing is I have a bunch of film irons in the fire out there.

Whilst Megan Fox recently spoke to IGN about TF2, I’ve extracted the inter­est­ing bits:

Q: How is Trans­form­ers 2 going?
Megan Fox: It’s going good. It’s gigantic!

Q: Com­pared to the first, you’d say it’s way big­ger?
Fox: It’s twice the bud­get, so yeah.

Q: Can you say where this movie picks up for your char­ac­ters?
Fox: It’s two years later, so when it comes out it will be present day. Shia [LaBeouf, who reprises his role as Sam Witwicky] and I have been dat­ing for two years, so it’s kind of like old news. There’s no big love scenes or any­thing like that – you kind of get into the cou­ple bick­er­ing now. That stage, like the old mar­ried cou­ple. That’s all I can say!

There’s also another inter­view with Megan Fox by Scifi​.com