Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Isabel Lucas and Ramon Rodriguez talk ROTF April 21st, 2009

MTV are really lap­ping up the Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen buzz, giv­ing us a lot of great inter­view snip­pets and movie clues. This time around it’s the turn of Isabel Lucas and Ramon Rodriguez.

- Ramon Rodriguez plays “Leo Spitz”, Sam’s room­mate and owner of a para­noid con­spir­a­cies web­site about aliens and robots:

“I end up get­ting sucked into [Sam’s] crazy world with real robots and find­ing out he’s involved in the real thing,” Rodriguez said. “My com­plete world is flipped.”

- Isabel Lucas plays “Alice”,

“The char­ac­ter of Alice is more the seduc­tress,” Lucas said. “She’s got mys­te­ri­ous inten­tions that we don’t really know about.”

As for Bay’s film­ing techniques:

Bay brought a cou­ple of industrial-size fans to the Egypt­ian desert that blew 100-mile-per-hour, sand-filled winds at Rodriguez’s face. He ended up dis­lo­cat­ing his shoul­der and needed to have his eyes flushed out for 45 min­utes. Another time he had to sit per­fectly still as a huge metal spike pierced the roof of his car, per­ilously close to his head. In those moments, he was not so much act­ing as react­ing to a very real sense of fear.

Could that 100 MPH fan per­haps be sim­u­lat­ing Devastator’s mas­sive vor­tex? We’ve seen him being pulled about before: