Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Michael Bay discusses his favorite robots April 16th, 2009

MTV have released the next part of their ongo­ing Michael bay inter­view, this one sees the Trans­form­ers direc­tor talk­ing about his favorite robots, call­ing The Fallen an ulti­mate bad boy and claim­ing that the Dev­as­ta­tor spe­cial effects are ten-fold more com­pli­cated than any­thing Lucas’ com­pany has ever done. I’m still not sold on the Skids/Mudflaps twins.

“The Fallen is the ulti­mate bad boy,” Bay explained of the mys­te­ri­ous evil­doer glimpsed briefly in the trailer for the June 24 film, whose venge­ful mis­sion gives the film’s title its dou­ble mean­ing. “He goes way back in the Trans­former world. He’s one of the first Transformers.”

“The twins are quite fun,” Bay said of the comedy-relief duo, remem­ber­ing his inspi­ra­tion for includ­ing them. “I just kept think­ing, ‘What if we have two dumb Trans­form­ers that are young and dumb?’ … They are just irrev­er­ent, dumb Transformers.”

“[Dev­as­ta­tor is] the most com­pli­cated model that George Lucas’ com­pany has done in 30 years,” Bay mar­veled. “In all the 30 years of [Indus­trial Light and Magic] mak­ing movies, it’s the most com­pli­cated dig­i­tal model — and it’s ten­fold in terms of the most com­pli­cated. It’s taken a long time to do.

“There’s a lot of great new char­ac­ters in this movie — some funny ones, some devi­ous ones, there are some lit­tle teeny ones that are a lit­tle irrev­er­ent,” Bay said of a robot group that includes such new­bies as the four-legged Rav­age, sleek Side­swipe and oth­ers. “You know what is bet­ter in this movie? The act­ing of the robots. It’s just evolved from the last one, and in terms of the ani­ma­tion we are able to put these robots’ [emo­tions] in.”

Such act­ing inno­va­tions have also helped a big break­out robot from the orig­i­nal “Trans­form­ers” film, who Bay insisted remains his favorite Trans­former of the group. “Bum­ble­bee is great in this movie,” he promised.