Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Shia’s ‘crushed hand’ worked into movie August 3rd, 2008

Shia LaBoeuf’s acci­dent has led to quick resched­ul­ing whilst the crew await Shia’s recov­ery. How­ever, as time now ticks on it seems appar­ent that pro­duc­tion can­not wait for a full recov­ery — either because they will be put behind or LaBoeuf’s injuries will take too long to heal. Michael Bay will be work­ing these injuries into the sto­ry­line, to facil­i­tate the movie mak­ing process.

It is also good news that Shia was not drunk. We can restore our respect for him.

“You’re gonna see — that’s gonna go away,” Bay said. “That’s fresh news… He was not drunk. He was drink­ing hours and hours before.”
Shortly before 2:30 AM, another dri­ver ran a red light, accord­ing to author­i­ties who con­firmed LaBeouf is now not being inves­ti­gated for caus­ing the crash.

“I spoke to him yes­ter­day in the hos­pi­tal,” Bay said. “His two fin­gers are pretty mashed, but we’re fig­ur­ing out a way to shoot around it, kind of write it in the story.”

“We had a lit­tle heart to heart the week before when he bought a brand new motor­cy­cle and I [said] ‘Dude! You can­not ride that motor­cy­cle! If you crash, you put 1,500 peo­ple out of work,’” the direc­tor recounted. “He said, ‘Ok, I won’t ride it, I won’t ride it, I’ll just drive my truck.’”

“The kid really has his head together and you know, he’s only 22,” Bay said. “He’s doing a great job on this movie. He’s really matured since the last one and I love work­ing with him.”

Access Hol­ly­wood.

Thanks Leroy!