Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Hasbro Summit: Corvette is Sideswipe September 23rd, 2008

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Has­bro recently held their licens­ing sum­mit and with it a num­ber of key Trans­form­ers 2 char­ac­ter details emerged.


The real name for the Chevy Corvette Cen­ten­nial is in fact “Sideswipe”.


The Rav­age char­ac­ter was con­firmed as hav­ing a “very raw beast mode”. Rumors sug­gest that the mech­a­nized crea­ture seen in one of PhillyFilmGirl’s videos is this char­ac­ter, rather than Frenzy. Although I do have some doubts.


“Merg­ing toys” con­firmed the appear­ance of a “super-sized” trans­former that com­bines mul­ti­ple toys, likely to retail for +$50. Is this the rumored Dev­as­ta­tor?

Source: TFW2005

Comments One Response to “Hasbro Summit: Corvette is Sideswipe”

Bryce October 3rd, 2008

Yeah its pretty sweet to have the Trans­form­ers being sil­ver, but I think with the NEW Side­swipe, aka the NEW Chevy Corvette Cen­ten­nial, would look a whole lot bet­ter in RED.