Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Action scenes in IMAX! October 1st, 2008

At least 3 scenes will be recorded in IMAX for­mat, and thus the film will be released to IMAX cin­e­mas at the same time as the wide release on June 26th 2009.  This news has now been con­firmed by the IMAX cor­por­taion fol­low­ing a recent report in Vari­ety, for the full offi­cial news release see below.

LOS ANGELES, CA, Sep­tem­ber 30, 2008 – IMAX Cor­po­ra­tion (NASDAQ: IMAX; TSX: IMX), Dream­Works Pic­tures and Para­mount Pic­tures today announced that direc­tor Michael Bay will shoot key sequences of Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen with IMAX® cam­eras. Bay will inte­grate the IMAX footage with state of the art CGI to cre­ate an unprece­dented look and feel for the highly antic­i­pated sequel to last year’s box office hit, Trans­form­ers. As pre­vi­ously announced, Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen will be released to IMAX® the­atres simul­ta­ne­ously with the movie’s wide release on June 26, 2009.

The movie sequences shot in tra­di­tional 35mm will be dig­i­tally re-mastered into the unpar­al­leled image and sound qual­ity of The IMAX Expe­ri­ence® with IMAX DMR® (Dig­i­tal Re-mastering) tech­nol­ogy. The IMAX DMR scenes will appear in the tra­di­tional “let­ter­box” shape, while scenes shot with IMAX’s cam­eras will expand ver­ti­cally to fill the entire IMAX screen.

“The extra­or­di­nary level of detail and inten­sity cap­tured by the IMAX cam­era cre­ates many excit­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for us with this film,” said Michael Bay, the film’s direc­tor. “IMAX’s all-encompassing for­mat will take this story to a new level, and I am once again very excited to share The IMAX Expe­ri­ence with Trans­form­ers fans around the world.”

“The addi­tion of another amaz­ing title from Dream­Works and Para­mount, com­bined with more ground­break­ing use of IMAX tech­nol­ogy by Hollywood’s top film­mak­ers, are exam­ples of how far we have come as a com­pany and a dis­tri­b­u­tion plat­form over the past sev­eral years,” said IMAX Co-Chairmen and Co-CEOs Richard L. Gel­fond and Bradley J. Wech­sler. “The growth of the IMAX the­atre net­work, fueled by the eco­nom­i­cal ben­e­fits of the new IMAX dig­i­tal sys­tem, is dri­ving inter­est from vir­tu­ally all of the top stu­dios, which is result­ing in more IMAX movies for audi­ences to enjoy.”

“Michael Bay’s inno­v­a­tive use of IMAX cam­eras will cre­ate a spec­tac­u­lar cin­e­matic adven­ture for movie­go­ers next sum­mer,” added Greg Fos­ter, Chair­man and Pres­i­dent of IMAX Filmed Enter­tain­ment. “We’re very excited to be inte­grated as a core part of the Trans­form­ers pro­duc­tion, and with the skilled mar­ket­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion teams at Dream­Works and Para­mount, the tim­ing is ideal given our expand­ing global audi­ence and net­work footprint.”