Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Sequel Spoilers and Toy news from UK Fair January 30th, 2009

TFW2005 forum mem­ber streetfield1 was at the open­ing of the Trans­form­ers UK Toy Fair and has reported back with some juicy gos­sip. Beward, MOVIE SPOILERS below:

– Dev­as­ta­tor will be around about 2 feet tall and built like a gorilla.
– The Human Alliance Bum­ble­bee that we have been see­ing recently will be the first release in his range.
– No toys of the Fallen at present.
– There will be new Robot Repli­cas of Iron­hide, Ratchet and Starscream.
– More infor­ma­tion on the RPM — Robot Pow­ered Machines — line. The cars are “Hot Wheels style” and are mainly Auto­bots, with their robot modes embossed on the bot­tom. The race­track has tracks all over the place, and instead of the cen­tral “moun­tain” you some­times see on these tracks, you’ve got Dev­as­ta­tor!
– There will be a radio con­trolled Opti­mus Prime truck with Peter Cullen sound­clips.
– The tank mode Mega­tron toy (which ver­sion is not spec­i­fied) was on dis­play, although nobody was avail­able to com­ment on whether or not he is in the film.

Some footage, fea­tur­ing ani­mat­ics, was also shown. If you do not want to be spoiled, look away now!

- Dev­as­ta­tor is… dev­as­tat­ing! The mix­ing drum in his chest becomes a mas­sive tur­bine grinder. It cre­ates a tur­bine effect, suck­ing every­thing in Devastator’s path up, and spit­ting it out of his back.
– Wheelie is effec­tively con­firmed as a remote con­trolled car, in line with other rumors we have heard recently.
– Legions of Decep­ti­con drones, resem­bling Frenzy, will cause car­nage in the Witwicky house­hold.
– Sam fights for his life on top of a car against Pre­tender Alice.
– Cap­tain Lennox also gets to see some seri­ous action against the Decep­ti­cons, with full heli­copter backup.

Comments One Response to “Sequel Spoilers and Toy news from UK Fair”

Slot Cars Toys April 1st, 2009

Hey! Can I ask what’s this tem­plate you are using in your blog? thanks.