Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Michael Bay handpicked GM concept cars February 19th, 2009

After build­ing up some rap­port on the first movie and pro­vid­ing GM with pub­lic­ity and aware­ness of their newly redesigned Camaro, for Trans­form­ers 2 Michael Bay was given the oppor­tu­nity to pick and choose from GM’s array of con­cept cars:

“I didn’t want to share with him Camaro unless he told me more about the movie,” Well­burn said. “There was a lit­tle nego­ti­at­ing, and then there it was.” The suc­cess of the Camaro’s appear­ance, which helped GM by rais­ing aware­ness of the newly redesigned car, lit­er­ally opened some big doors for Bay in “Revenge of the Fallen.”

“When it comes to the sequel, it was dif­fer­ent because the rela­tion­ship had built quite a bit,” Well­burn explained. “Michael came to Detroit, and he and I just walked the stu­dios. He was look­ing for one, maybe two new vehi­cles. He came here, and he pretty much had it in his head what the sequel would be. I’ll never for­get it. One third of the way through the tour he said, ‘I need a notepad. There are just too many designs that we may want to use in the movie.’”

Some mod­els, like the Beat and Trax, which will appear as the Auto­bots Skids and Mud­flap for “Revenge of the Fallen,” even affected how the char­ac­ters functioned.

“That day that he vis­ited us and walked the halls of the stu­dios, the movie devel­oped and in some ways changed,” he revealed. “[Bay] was inspired by things like the two small cars that maybe could work together in some way. That’s all I can say right now.”

Source: MTV