Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Michael Bay DOES NOT join Twitter April 13th, 2009

Update: Despite hav­ing this account con­firmed by the Shoot for the Edit web­mas­ter, it seems this account is indeed fake and has been sus­pended! Post­ing on his forum:

“Twit­ter. Never. What a waste of time”

Orig­i­nal post:
For a while a fake Michael bay has been post­ing to twit­ter, it appears that the real Michael Bay has taken this to heart and signed up,

“I am tired of impos­tors on Twit­ter so I fig­ured you could get the real bay direct from now on.”

His lat­est tweets include:

Accepted the Show­est direc­tor of the year award last night. — Mike

Work­ing in the indus­try means even week­ends are apt for mak­ing robots inter­act — Mike

Is excited for what Jackie Earle Haley will bring to the fran­chise. — Mike

“Some big news is com­ing down the pipeline, can’t say what or when but be excited.”

I’m not sure why he signs off each tweet with ‘Mike’, but it’s good to get some reg­u­lar bite-sized news from the man him­self. This account has been con­firmed as offi­cial, althought the Megan Fox and Shia accounts that Bay is fol­low­ing have been con­firmed fake, so be warned.

Fol­low Michael Bay on Twit­ter
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