Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers 2 clocks in at 147 mins April 13th, 2009

Early in Feb­ru­ary Michael Bay reported that his cur­rent Revenge of the Fallen edit sat some­where over the two hour mark. Bay has since updated this fig­ure, stat­ing that the new movie shall be four min­utes longer than the orig­i­nal and that this run time will not be changed. The orig­i­nal lasts 143 min­utes which puts Trans­form­ers 2 at 147 min­utes in total:

“It’s four min­utes longer than the last one. […] So, go fig­ure it out.”

Bay goes on to elaborate,

“I don’t ever talk (to exec­u­tives) about run times. […] Stu­dios always ask, ‘What’s the run time?’ And I’m like ‘If you enjoy the movie, do you care?’”