Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Up to 60 Transformers in Revenge of the Fallen April 2nd, 2009

Up to this point a rumored total of 40 has been touted, how­ever a new Vari­ety arti­cles ups that to a good 60 after speak­ing with TF2 VFX lead Scott Far­rar. The char­ac­ters will also see much more inter­ac­tion and have human like prop­er­ties such as sweating.

“Michael took the pro­duc­tion value up many, many notches,” [ILM’s lead VFX super­vi­sor for TF2 Scott Far­rar] says. “Just the back­grounds alone are huge. It’s a com­bi­na­tion of ‘Apoc­a­lypse Now’ and ‘Ben-Hur,’ in regards to fan­tas­tic back­grounds and the unbe­liev­able sets we worked at around the world.”

Every­one involved in “Revenge of the Fallen” is keep­ing the details under wraps, but Far­rar says there are some 60 robot char­ac­ters, and they play in set­tings around the world. Some, like refiner­ies at night, were cho­sen to boost the visual drama and show off the scale of the giant ‘bots.

What’s more, this time the Trans­form­ers will inter­act much more with the world around them. Far­rar high­lights “the splashes and the hits and the fight­ing on dirt or mov­ing, bang­ing into trees,” explain­ing, “Things splin­ter and break, they spit, they out­gas, they sweat, they snort.”

One new chal­lenge is that sev­eral sequences will be shown in Imax for­mat, approx­i­mately 16 times larger than 35mm, which means the CG work must be fin­ished at much higher res­o­lu­tion. At that scale, it can take sev­eral days to ren­der a final frame.

All this is on top of cre­at­ing a new fam­ily of giant robots. “(Bay) had to learn a whole litany of new things by get­ting into this robot cul­ture on the first film,” Far­rar says. “I don’t think he’d ever worked on a film where he’d done so much direct­ing of ani­mated char­ac­ters. So he’s really taken it to heart, and I think not every­body does, but he actu­ally enjoys the process.”