Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Viral Update — more robots spotted in the wild June 17th, 2009

The Trans­form­ers 2 viral site, The Real Eff­ing Deal, has updated with new robot sight­ings, videos and news sto­ries — includ­ing a Leo Spitz video rant at Robo Warrior.

Down­load video collection

Down­load a zip file of four Leo Spitz videos from The Real Eff­ing Deal, three are Ramon Rodriguez and the fourth shows what looks like Starscream dart­ing in front of some Fireworks.

Down­load the Real Eff­ing Deal videos (18mb)

Robot seen in Japan

“Exclu­sive: It is Japan and all but”

Another TRED-head who’d like to remain anony­mous just sent us this link. We’re the FIRST on the net to break this story.

Now we all know the Land of the Ris­ing Sun is known for robots of all stripes — small to eff­ing huge — so spot­ting a bot in Japan is nor­mally no big deal. But this one’s LOOSE. And HIDING. And it looks more advanced than any Japan­ese robot I’ve ever seen. I’m start­ing to cor­re­late all the data we’ve been get­ting for the last few days and all I can say is, this is NOT good, peo­ple. They’re land­ing, spread­ing all over the world, and lying in wait for…something. Why are they here? Either they want our resources, they want to enslave us, they want to use our planet as their new homeworld…or maybe some­thing else. We’ll prob­a­bly never know until it’s way too late.

Robot on the Autobahn

Robot­ics Gone Wild

I don’t know what “gespinnt” means, but he’s right, the “part” was eff­ing huge!! It looks to me like that car actu­ally TURNED INTO a bot. The physics just seem…impossible. Unless the Ger­mans have invented some kind of mor­ph­ing technology…or maybe learned it from aliens. Either way, here’s what wor­ries me: if robots can hide IN PLAIN SIGHT, we’ll NEVER see it com­ing! We could all be sur­rounded by bots right now. What if this com­puter I’m using sud­denly trans­forms into a killer cyber-organism because it doesn’t like what I’m typ­ing??? Yeeesh!

Robot climb­ing tower

That is not a gorilla

A dios mia!!! TRED-heads, you need to check out this video. Watch the upper right for what looks like a grande eff­ing robot! Aus­tralia, Peru, now SPAIN! Either there’s one bot-like entity on a world-wide tour, or there are LOTS of them hid­ing out eff­ing EVERYWHERE.
Dudes, seri­ously. I’ve never seen any­thing like this before. Either someone’s yank­ing our chain here, or we’ve got giant robots — pos­si­bly giant ALIEN robots — appear­ing all over the eff­ing globe. I sug­gest you go back and bone up on your “How to Sur­vive a Robot Upris­ing” book, the one we men­tioned a few months ago right here on TRED.

And, yo, if you see some­thing else like this, send it to us ASAP (and not to ANYONE else, if you know what I mean).