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Proposed Devastator structure, parts with robot modes November 7th, 2008

Seibertron’s s250 has posted some more rumors, again con­cern­ing the pos­si­ble Dev­as­ta­tor toy made up of con­struc­ti­cons, pre­vi­ously reported in early Sep­tem­ber to have seven dis­tinct pieces.

S250 now sug­gests that each of the con­stituent parts will also have their own robot modes:

In the Gestalt ver­sion, most con­struc­tion vehi­cles [are] just trans­formable drones as a part of Dev­as­ta­tor, [with] no robot mode. These vehi­cles will get Deluxe ver­sions [that] can trans­form to robots, but I think Deluxe ver­sion [won’t] combine.

Mean­while TFW have pro­vided a struc­ture for this beast:

Dump Truck — Right Leg, Bull­dozer — Left Leg, Wheel Loader — Right Arm, Truss Crane — Left Arm [no robot mode on this one], Exca­va­tor — Right Shoul­der, Artic­u­lated Dump Truck — Left Shoul­der, Cement Mixer — Head

The struc­ture is said to be sim­i­lar to that of the Ener­gon Opti­mus Prime’s com­bined form:

Alice (Isabel Lucas) rumored to be a Pretender November 7th, 2008

The TFW insider has returned with another rumor ‘scoop’, propos­ing that Isabel Lucas’ char­ac­ter, Alice, will be a Pretender.

The TFW TF2 Insider has con­firmed that the char­ac­ter of Alice, as played by Isabel Lucas, in Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen, is a Pre­tender. For those not famil­iar with Trans­form­ers sub-lines from the 1980s, Pre­tenders are Trans­form­ers that are hid­den inside a shell that acts as their dis­guise. In the case of Alice, the shell will be an attrac­tive human woman while the inner robot is best described as a hybrid of the Frenzy robot design from the first movie. The Pre­tender Trans­former will have an arm that trans­forms into an energy weapon, a long tongue, and a scan­ning tentacle.

This block of text explains what a Pre­tender is; prin­ci­pally a robot sur­rounded by an organic shell — in this case Isabel Lucas. Wikipedia reveals more details about the fic­tion behind them, their intro­duc­tion in 1988 and so on. We’ve already seen Alice involved with some messy green goo and an angry bum­ble­bee, what does that now sug­gest? Another scene also shows Alice walk­ing calmly away from some sort of panic or destruc­tion sug­gest­ing some­thing sinister.

Thanks for the heads up Miguel!

Bay filmed briefly in France? November 7th, 2008

A mem­ber at the Michael Bay forums claims to have seen Michael Bay in and around L’Arc de tri­om­phe in Paris around the end of Octo­ber. This could be fake, but if not, is likely padding or filler footage to build on the French set­ting we ear­lier saw, involv­ing Sam Witwicky’s parents.

For­get the Mid­dle East, he’s in France right now…

… in Paris, more specifically.

And this is what he was shoot­ing: L’Arc de triomphe.

Now that was weird… I was walk­ing home from work, and just hap­pen to see a small group of peo­ple around a cam­era… When I got closer, I saw that Bay was rid­ing it (lit­er­ally). The last thing I would have expected is to see Bay shoot­ing in my neighbor.

The scene was about a news anchor from CNN doing a report… It feels like main pho­tog­ra­phy is get­ting closer to the end.

Pro­ducer Ian Bryce was here as well.

Universal Transformers Ride October 27th, 2008

ENI have recently reported a Trans­form­ers themed ride may be mak­ing an appear­ance at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios parks around the world, with the Sin­ga­pore ride set to hit first in 2010, LA fol­low­ing in 2011.

The attrac­tion will fuse 3D-HD media, mega spe­cial effects and stun­ning robot­ics with a ride sys­tem that will trans­form per­cep­tions of theme park expe­ri­ences. The rides are sched­uled to make their debuts in early 2011, first at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios Sin­ga­pore and then at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios Hol­ly­wood. In “Trans­form­ers,” Earth’s humans are caught in the mid­dle of an inter­galac­tic war between the friendly Auto­bots and the evil Decep­ti­cons, which are able to change into a vari­ety of objects, includ­ing cars, trucks, planes and other tech­no­log­i­cal creations.

In the media cir­cu­la­tion some sup­port­ive quotes from Michael Bay have been uttered, it seems these are a fal­lacy as Bay him­self has recently come out to rebuke them:

The shoot­ing in the Mid­dle East is ground break­ing — an awe­some time had by all the crew.

The Trans­former Ride at Uni­ver­sal mak­ing all the press rounds — not sure yet — they had me in a press release say­ing I sup­ported it — but Uni­ver­sal has a long way to go in my mind. I don’t sup­port it — I’m not involved and not sure the story of the ride works, and I know Opti­mus is not going to just show up to be directed by some new peo­ple that have never worked with him. I hate when peo­ple bull­shit a quote from me that I never said.

I’ll keep you informed. Maybe the guy mak­ing the rides at Uni­ver­sal will direct Trans­form­ers 3????


Jon Voight with a president cameo? October 27th, 2008

In an inter­view with Jon Voight, MTV have revealed that the actor is very much inter­ested in a quick cameo appear­ance as the pres­i­dent; if some­one lets him that is!

But what about Jon Voight, who played the Sec­re­tary of Defense John Keller? When we caught up with Angelina Jolie’s dad at the pre­mière of his film, “Pride and Glory,” he told us that while he has yet to film any­thing for “Trans­form­ers 2,” there’s still time to get in a quick appearance.

“I should be able to make a cameo,” Voight said. “That’s a good idea. Let’s talk to those guys about that.” And he even has a suggestion.

Voight said doing the first “Trans­form­ers” was “really a lot of fun,” that direc­tor Michael Bay “did a bril­liant job,” and LaBeouf, who he had worked with pre­vi­ously on “Holes,” was “won­der­ful,” so he’d be happy to come back. But how?

“It all depends on the plot, of course,” he said, “and what the plot needs, you know. But the Sec­re­tary of Defense, we want to know what hap­pens to him. Was there a new admin­is­tra­tion that came in? Maybe he ran for pres­i­dent. Maybe he became president.”

Con­sid­er­ing that “Trans­form­ers 2” will be com­ing out fol­low­ing an elec­tion year, it could work. (Voight him­self, as you might guess from his work in “An Amer­i­can Carol,” sup­ports John McCain).

“I don’t know [if they’ll green-light a ‘Trans­form­ers’ cameo],” Voight said. “But I enjoyed being in that movie. It would be fun.”

Soundwave Alt Modes revealed? October 15th, 2008

Rumors are sug­gest­ing that Sound­wave will have two alt modes, in space this will take the form of a satel­lite and on earth it shall be a pickup truck. These reports come via one of TFW2005’s “trusted sources”.

TV TF2 trailer during Oscars? October 15th, 2008

Vari­ety are report­ing that the rules pre­vent­ing movie ads from air­ing dur­ing the Oscars will be relaxed for the 2009 awards — with a lim­ited num­ber of spots open­ing up for movies due for release after the last week in April. This paves the way for large sum­mer block­busters to being their mar­ket­ing cam­paigns — specif­i­cally Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge of The Fallen.

Hasbro Summit: Corvette is Sideswipe September 23rd, 2008

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Has­bro recently held their licens­ing sum­mit and with it a num­ber of key Trans­form­ers 2 char­ac­ter details emerged.


The real name for the Chevy Corvette Cen­ten­nial is in fact “Sideswipe”.


The Rav­age char­ac­ter was con­firmed as hav­ing a “very raw beast mode”. Rumors sug­gest that the mech­a­nized crea­ture seen in one of PhillyFilmGirl’s videos is this char­ac­ter, rather than Frenzy. Although I do have some doubts.


“Merg­ing toys” con­firmed the appear­ance of a “super-sized” trans­former that com­bines mul­ti­ple toys, likely to retail for +$50. Is this the rumored Dev­as­ta­tor?

Source: TFW2005

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