Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

More explosions and action from Chicago’s south side July 29th, 2010

Trans­form­ers 3 pro­duc­tion has moved to Trump Tower again, this time shoot­ing at night and using “flame and smoke effects” on rooftops, accord­ing to Chicago­B­reak­ingNews. It was more than just smoke and flame effects, this was “Bay­hem” to its fullest, with ten or so rooftop explo­sions at mul­ti­ple build­ings. The action was filmed from a heli­copter (and pre­sum­ably from below as well) whilst police vehi­cles drove away from the action down below.

Trans­form­ers 3 has also been spot­ted on the south side, film­ing along­side the rail tracks, includ­ing Auto­bot chase scenes, scenes of pedes­tri­ans run­ning away scream­ing, and a video show­ing all the vehi­cles lined up, includ­ing what’s pre­sum­ably Skids and Mud­flaps new look.

Trans­form­ers lined up on south side

Almost a full cast of vehi­cles here, includ­ing the Nascars, Bum­ble­bee, Skids, Mud­flaps and Jolt.

Auto­bot chase

The next video shows the Nascar vehi­cles hotly pur­sued by the Auto­bots from an angle right in the thick of the film­ing, by johnnyism13 who hap­pened to be in the right place at the right time:

This video, from the same loca­tion, shows peo­ple run­ning away scream­ing whilst a shiny blue car calmly dri­ves past.

Explo­sions closeup

This is another view of the explo­sions we’ve seen already, but from a ground view, much closer. Thanks to ReidCollins.

Comments One Response to “More explosions and action from Chicago’s south side”

MPEA Busway Set Pics, Explo­sions and More | iWatch July 29th, 2010

[…] at a third loca­tion and the sound of gun fire. If don’t feel like scrolling down, the Movie Chron­i­cles have them […]