Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Optimus Prime leader class video review March 6th, 2009

Peaugh has pro­vided another toy video review, this time its for the Revenge of the Fallen Opti­mus Prime leader class model. The review points out all the small details of the toy, from the auto­bot logo on the hood to the full trans­for­ma­tion into robot mode — the video is a good 13 minutes.

There is also a short update to the orig­i­nal review that high­lights the noises the truck makes, the but­ton was tucked away out of sight on the grey bat­tery panel. The review also explores the idea of a Jetfire/Optimus Prime merger, as sug­gested by the key chains and Leg­ends toys — there is one con­nec­tion at the rear that doesn’t have an obvi­ous pur­pose and Prime’s hands sug­gest he could hold Jetfire’s weapon eas­ily, but other than that there are no other indi­ca­tions of a pos­si­ble Jet­fire connection.