Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Voyager Long Haul in packaging with bio May 28th, 2009

TF08 have the skinny on more Trans­form­ers 2 toy exclu­sives, this time it’s Long Haul in his box:

Long Haul

Long Haul is too bit­ter to be an effec­tive sol­dier on his own. Despite the fact that he is part of one of the most destruc­tive and ter­ri­fy­ing Decep­ti­con squads of all time, he is often treated as lit­tle more then a cargo hauler. Other Decep­ti­cons sling their gear into his bed with­out a sec­ond thought, and order him to carry it around for them. Rather than con­front them, he’d rather grum­ble about it pri­vately, then stop on the way and destroy what­ever he’s been given respon­si­bil­ity for.